Tuesday, December 30, 2008
That's what's up right now. We hope everyone has a great new year.
Love Jed and Kristin
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas eve was nutty, it is the 1 time of the year that I cook something for others...I am not known for my culinary skills. I make chicken, shrimp and broccoli Alfredo...yummy, don't even start to count the calories and fat...i can't count that high. Our thing here is kinda like, anyone that doesn't have anything to do or doesn't want to do what they have to do can come here and hang out. This year we hit a record number....very cool...17! Those of you that know my house know that it had to be a little crazy..my house is not big.....not even kinda! I think everyone had a fun time, I did! It was nice because my kids got to have both sets if grandparents here and Jim and Grace which is like a third! Yes, that means my ex's parents came for dinner. They are wonderful and they put the kids first no matter what so we get along very well. Danny did ALL the dishes that night..what a guy! Jed did well Christmas eve, Christmas morning he woke up almost chipper and after we opened gifts from Santa we went to my parents for breakfast. We spent the day there and opened gifts, then had dinner. Jed was OK until we got home then he had a little melt down. He just cried and cried, nothing was right. When he gets like that you can't fix anything for him and nothing you say makes it better, he just has to cry it out. Poor guy. The next day we were all supposed to go back to my parents because my brother didn't open gifts there the day before, he went to his in-laws. Jed could not go, he was so wiped out. He slept all day and then about 3:30 pm he got up and I took him to the game store....all 3. The first was so crowed you couldn't get in the store. The upstairs one at the mall was so packed people were bursting out and the downstairs one had a line out into the mall. We got in the line in the upstairs store and waited...almost a half an hour. He got his PS3!!!!!!! I usually just go out and let him do his trading and buying but I stayed because the fat guy behind us kept pushing Jed with his belly! It's good I was right there, by the time Jed was ready to pay he was shaking so bad he could count his money and he was soooo pale. I thought he was going to pass out. We grabbed the PS3 and ran home. He didn't even want to hook it up...but Danny did! Jed got better after he had some Domino's...you know the life blood of Jed Smith...pizza. He watched Star wars with Savannah and her "friend" Kyle. Savannah is happy because she got her new phone. I liked it so much when it came in the mail that I thought about keeping it!
So that was our exciting holiday, now we just have to un-decorate! Thanks again to all those that sent cards and gifts to Jed, mail is something he always loves to get. When he got my parents card in the mail he came running in "read this read this" it was a nice card saying what a light he is in their lives and stuff like that. Jed was teary eyed saying aaww that is so nice! He loves his mail so thanks to all. Mrs. Kirby again, you went above and beyond...Jed is still blown away with the Thanksgiving card you sent! I think that's it now..I am going up to watch the Rolling Stones movie.....Jed is kickn' back waiting for his pudding to set up!! He got a knife set and baking stuff for Christmas and he was sooo excited. Savannah said it was just wrong for an 11 yr old to be hugging a box of knives! Savannah just ran in and back out...oh the life of a teenager!
Thanks again to everyone for helping to make our Christmas wonderful. Hope you all had a great one too.
Love Jed and Kristin (new link for christmas pics up on the right)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mr. Happy getting ready for chemo! He is ok until about 10 minutes before chemo, then this Jed takes over! Sullen, cranky, feelin' crappy Jed....who can blame him!
Ok Merry Christmas and stuff to everyone, enjoy the holiday...Love to all of you from all of us....oh yeah, I AM sending out cards but as usual I am late. I am just trying to extend your holiday cheer...really. You will get them....later!
Love Jed and Kristin
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Love Jed and Kristin
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Jed is doing ok. He is sleeping a lot..nothing new there! He did want to go to lunch today and he ate pretty well, so that's good. He has 1 more all day chemo left in this round yea!!!! He is happy because we sent our wii fit board to nintendo to be fixed and they sent us a new one!!!! It was a big deal!
gotta go,
love Jed and Kristin
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jed walked to the local coffee shop with Grace today to get hot chocolate and he had school this evening. He is feeling pretty good.....until he remembers tomorrow is chemo! he is telling me every 5 minutes that he can't wait for Christmas morning...he's not talking about gifts, he's talking about breakfast at Mommo and Hop's! We have always had breakfast at the Buckley's on Christmas morning and we always have buckwheats. Jed is dreaming of them now! Don't get me wrong he is excited about gifts but he is ready for the food!
Savannah got her letter from American U. today...they said no. I know she was disappointed, I am too, for her. She can always transfer there after a year or two elsewhere. She is postive that Penn State will say no also. Towson is looking like where she will be, at least for the 1st year. Um, $46,000.00 a year compared to $22,000.00 a year...Towson is lookin' real good to me! Cross your fingers for financial aid.
I guess that's about all. It was over 50 degrees today but we are supposed to have a winter storm tomorrow....yipee, glad hop is driving!
hey have any of you felt like throwing a shoe at Bush??? I can't say I blame that guy! Ok, gotta go finish decorating. I do it in spurts! Almost finished.
Good luck on finals to all our PSU friends.
Love Jed and Kristin
Sunday, December 14, 2008
So anyway, Jed finally fell asleep and Danny fixed the toilet and Savannah got up and went to work this morning so all is calm......for now. I am almost finished shopping, a couple of small things to do and then that's it. The kids will have a good Christmas this year, thanks to some help from my parents. This not getting paid stuff can be a tad stressful but oh well what can I do? Next year will be better, I will be working and Jed will be FINISHED with chemo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to leave the day after Christmas and go to a nice warm place for a week, I wonder if I could talk the kids into forgoing gifts for a warm vacation? I will enjoy Christmas this year, I always do but I want next Christmas to get here quick, things will be much different by then.
A special hello and lots of love to the Hildebrand clan and the newest member, Ella Grey Morgan. We are thinking of you guys and sending our love. Ella was born with some heart issues but she is home and will be getting treatment at Hershey and will grow up big and strong and wonderful like all the other women in her family!!!!
Ok, gotta go, Grace just called and I have to go walk....it's cold but i guess it's good for me...yipee. Love Jed and Kristin
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Savannah, Jed and I made dough ornaments to take up to the hospital next week for kids to paint. It was an adventure! We made some for ourselves too and have been painting and decorating our dough for days!!! Not too bad I have to say. We are definitely not pros though! I guess that's all the news, not very exciting! Our house looks like a bomb went off, all the Christmas stuff is up here and all the dough decorating stuff is spread around plus all the regular messy stuff. Cleaning is what I need to do tomorrow...I don't want to! Oh, well. Ok, gotta go.
Love Jed and Kristin
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Danny stayed home, he has a cold again and didn't want to infect to baby...and he is a baby so he wanted to be in bed. He has had more colds in the last year than he has ever had all together. I wonder why? Maybe stress I guess. I know it has to be hard to unexpectedly be the sole support for a family of 4 when before you had someone else doing half. He is doing a great job.
Grace and Jase stopped by today. That kid is funny, when Grace comes in and hugs and kisses Jed Jase yells No, No, my Nona!!!! So of course because we are all so twisted we have to do it a lot. Sad I know! I let Jed sleep in this morning. He seemed great when he went to bed but he came and got me about 12 crying that he felt horrible and it hurt to move. I gave him some morphine and stayed with him until he fell asleep...like 2am! I get up very quietly and try to slip out of the room but when I get to the door he says "I"m not asleep", this happens a few times every night! I just can't sneak very well! He was tired and kinda slow today. Hopefully it won't last long. I foolishly thought because he did so well yesterday that he was not going to have an issue with this chemo...I REALLY should know better. But I am such the eternal optimist.
I guess I am finished running on. Jed is in bed, so is Danny, Savannah is at church with Nana, I'm watching Countdown on msnbc. We have an exciting thing happening here! Oh, the king is calling gotta go do his bidding.
Love Jed and Kristin
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
chemo day
chemo day
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
This is Jed getting chemo today! He has his routine down pat! Get to sleep as soon as possible and only wake up to pee. ! He did well and is not sick at all! Lets keep it up!!!! We got the quiet room today, Jed calls it the presidential suite! When his cover fell off he said "I'm cold cover the royal foot" nice
Hey Eli congrats on the clean scan dude!
Love J & K
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Love Jed and Kristin
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
But all is well, Jed is tired...from the stress! The good part was that Hop drove us today, I feel like a slacker when I don't drive us but it's nice sometimes! We will try again next week!
Tomorrow Jed is going shopping with Nana in the morning and then he is making corn bread tomorrow afternoon. Savannah is making cranberry salsa...awesome.... I have been given the only task I am qualified for, the green bean casserole!!!!!!! I can handle that. We are all headed to Adam's for the good stuff.
We had dinner Sunday at mom and dad's, Livie was there. oh Adam and Tiersa too but Livi was there. I knitted her a pair of UGGS and a fuzzy sweater for Christmas, I took them to try them on her, glad I did, I gave them to her right then because she will probably outgrow them by Christmas!!!! She is her same old squeezy self, trying so hard to talk!
So that's all for now, I'm sure I'll have pics from the holiday. We wish everyone a great turkey day. Enjoy your families.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The weather SUCKS! I had an appointment last night at 6pm, the roads were so bad from our tiny snow and the stupid people driving that we traded for my mom's car, big Lincoln suv, and parked our little sled. It is so sad that for Dan and I our 'date' was a trip to my doctor's! But we did go get Mexican food afterward! WHOO HOO! The roads were slippery but the reaction of the people on the road made everything so much worse!!!! It is cold and nasty, I am not a fan of this weather. I think if I was rich and had very good winter gear and could afford to ski it would be different but alas not to be, so I just really dislike the winter. Mom got Jed a new winter coat the other day...just in time!
Savannah's senior class had a tragedy this week. One of their top students, a swimmer headed to Olympic trials in 2012 suffered heart failure in the pool and died the next day at Hershey med. Center. So sad. Red Lion has had more than it's share of crappy events.
Hope everyone is doing ok. if anything exciting happens I will let ya'll know!!!
Love J & K
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
So no chemo today. His white count is now .4. Maybe next week??? Wait and see... as usual. He was pretty perky when he heard the news that we could leave! We went up to the pulmonary lab so he could get his inhaled antibiotic before we ran out of there. He was actually pretty perky on the ride up to clinic. He was singing and playing his DS. I on the other hand was hyperventilating! The chemo Jed was supposed to get today takes ALL day and the later we are getting there the later the nurses have to stay at the end of the day , we were late getting out of the house...surprise. Then of course there was traffic,,,stupid people. The left lane is for PASSING, if you are not passing move over, you are not the only person on the road!!!! On top of the usual fun I forgot to pick up his EMLA creme the night before so we had to wait in clinic for an hour until his port site was numb, and that deviation in his clinic ritual sends him into high anxiety mode. Such a relief to pull into the parking lot and thank god for Holly... she fixed him! After all these years you'd think I'd have all this stuff down pat....nope not me! Oh well. I do try though!
So after we left clinic we went to the mall so he could return a game that didn't work and stopped at Target to pick up some pictures...then I remembered at the last minute I mail ordered them...:). We stopped at the grocery store and headed home. Busy day for Jed! He was tired when we got home. He had his PJ pants on in less than 5 minutes after walking in the door! He has the beginnings of an infection on his big toe..ingrown toenail, I'm sure it's my fault. He has to soak it in Epsom salt and he has an oral antibiotic to take. The fun part is that this drug only comes in liquid (which he WILL NOT take) and a capsule which he says he CAN"T swallow. Nothing like adding 1 more little stressor to the mix. Fun
We ran out to give Hop a ride just a little bit ago. Mommo's car will be finished tomorrow..new computer thing. It has been a little scary, since Jed got sick and my old Subaru fell apart we are working with 1 car (Danny rides his bike a lot) then mom's car went on the fritz and then I hit the curb and flattened my tire....we were down to 1 car for all 4 of us! My car has a new shiny tire and mom's car will be picked up tomorrow so there is a little more of a buffer! I was afraid if Dad's car had a problem we would be down to just motorcycles...and it's cold! The days of Danny riding his bike are going away...so Jed and I will be hanging out here...(that's fine with Jed)! Savannah is home most days by noon so if I really need something I have her car. depending on where she goes to college I might have her car a lot! It really is getting cold out....i dislike that very much.
Jed and Danny are watching Get Smart right now. But they are both talking so much I'm not sure how they can follow the movie!
I mentioned before that a family we met in the hospital, Emily and James Alivia's parents, had adopted a baby boy. Well, 5 days before he was legally theirs his birth mother came and got him. How cruel is that? From what I have heard she is not mother of the year ( to all her other kids). That child could not have had a better home than with Emily and James. How much is 1 family supposed to handle? Loosing Alivia is beyond comprehension and now they have lost this baby that has been theirs for a couple of months now. I can't think of anything more hurtful. It's so sad. Cross your fingers, maybe she will change her mind..AGAiN.
well I guess that's all the news here and I have vented so it's all good now. I hope all of you are doing well....stay warm.
Love Jed and Kristin
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Everyone slept late yesterday.....except me so everyone was up very late last night...2-3am, I just wanted to go to sleep but EVERYONE was so loud! Today we got up and drove to Penn State for the Family Carnival. They unveiled the 2009 logo, I posted it under here. It's pretty cool. The kid has a knight's helmet on like in the 4 diamonds story. We met Brent at The Waffle Shop for breakfast, Jed cannot go to to PSU without eating there. Jed had a blast, he played with all his "people"! He wore himself out! We left about 4pm and stopped at McDonald's...of course. He ate his Happy Meal and was asleep in 20 mins! It snowed on the way home, it didn't stick to the road, just made seeing hard. It was very windy and as we were going up the mountain the temp went from 39 to 29, thank goodness it went back up again as we got further south. Savannah and Newman (Katie) followed us, nothing like driving in zero visibility over a windy, snowy mountain while you stare in your rear view mirror to make sure your kid is ok! and then I did one of those weird things that I think only parents of sick kids do, Jed had been sleeping for over 2 hours and had not moved so as we were flying down the highway I casually reached over and felt his wrist....for a pulse, sick I know but...well, oh well. He was fine by the way! So we are home, and Jed is awake...he had a long nap! He is very tired though and kinda pale. We had to stop at my parents on the way home because he knew he was missing a pork chop dinner there today and wanted to pick up a to-go bag!
So, the carnival was fun...as always and it was great to see everyone....as always and the new logo is cool. Now both kids want the new logo t-shirts!
I am going to try to convince Jed to go to sleep so then maybe I can too.....geeze i hope! as soon as Savannah sends me the pics I will put them up. oh and she applied to Penn State yesterday!
Love Jed and Kristin
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
THON 2009....the logo was revealed today!!!!!! THON is coming!!\
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Jed and DJ
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
This was Sunday when Amy and D brought over all the cards his class at his new school made for Jed!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Love J & K
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Everyone else here is ok. Savannah got all our stuff packed in case we needed it, now I have to go unpack it! She is having work issues. She was only hosting, then she started to serve and really didn't like it. She wanted to go back to just hosting but the bosses there won't give her all her hosting shifts back so she will only work 2 days a week & that is not enough $ for her. I told here it's completely up to her where she works but to drive her car she has to have a job. I can't afford to gas her up and i don't want her taking money from her savings just to drive. So we will see what happens. No matter where you work there are jerks.....everywhere!
Ok, I guess that's it for now. I played with my camera all night and took all kinds of pictures in our little room and when I put the card in to load them to my laptop there were only 2 pics on the memory card.....weird.
We are headed to the mall when Danny gets home so Jed can pick up a game that he ordered & I can get him a new Sim card for his phone, it just stopped working...weird, again. Then Jed is taking us to to dinner at Chili's! He has a gift card from there that his school nurse, The wonderful Mrs. Kirby, gave him. Not a bad deal, I'm up for some fajitas....and some more sleep!
Love Jed and Kristin
Monday, November 10, 2008
On Sunday DJ and Amy stopped by, DJ's class in his new school made cards to get to know Jed, it was REALLY nice. Amy went in to do a craft and DJ said he wanted his new friends to get to know Jed. So cool, D is an awesome kid. Congrats to Amy's friend Kim and her family, they are getting a new baby on December 1st! Another little girl, Kiara is getting a sister!!!!
Speaking of new babies I didn't mention before but a family we got to know on the 7th floor, Alivia's, just adopted a baby boy, Griffin....we are so happy for you Emily and James.
I think that's about it, Jed is ok, he is tired and didn't feel well last night but I think he is just worn out from the party weekend he had. Of course he is feeling bad also because he has school tonight,,,,,,,,,this drives me nuts. He is fine once she is here but he seems to just anticipate it so much and he worries about his homework. I know he has trouble concentrating for long and he gets tired easily but it drives me nuts how much he stresses about making sure he gets nothing wrong. He absolutely hates getting something wrong and he would rather avoid it or put it off as long as possible instead of doing it and getting something wrong. It's hard also because when I make him work on his homework and he starts to feel bad I can't tell him to keep working, I have to let him lie down or sleep and then he starts to freak out because he slept when he needed to be doing his homework. It is a vicious circle! I can't wait until he is back at school and leading a normal life....but I guess no one wants that more than him. He said the other day,"I wish I was in school because I think I would like it, I don't really remember how it was to go everyday". Poor guy. I told him to just keep thinking it won't be long and he will be going to school everyday and not even thinking about all of this anymore.
He starts 4 weeks of 8 hour chemos every Tuesday tomorrow. On the 5th week he has a spinal tap and then starts 5 days of steroids & then he should have a month with just home meds again. That's the plan, we will see what happens.
I just got a text from Savannah, she doesn't feel well either. Oh yea. Welp, the laundry calls and I have some knitting to do...guess what people are getting for christmas!!!!????? Sorry in advance to all the poor people getting knitted gifts from me!
Love Jed and Kristin
Pics under here and as soon as I have some from the bowling trip I will put up a link
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
Jed's great buddy Brent, are we looking at a future ACACIA member??
Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
There is nothing like a garbage bag of money!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Here is a quote from an email his Dad wrote, it really sums up how we feel about these kids:
"But above all it is Nathaniel himself for whom I now have the greatest love and respect. He was just a baby when he started. Now you could only call him an intelligent person, who has dealt with his life of extreme disadvantage with kindness, forbearance, humour and dignity. Quite frankly it is a privilege to know him."
Cross your fingers for this little boy he is really fighting. It is all so unfair.
Love J & K
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So anyway Jed needs to get better we have PSU kids coming this weekend for a canning trip. If you are out anywhere and see Penn State kids asking for money....give up your change!!!!! I think we are supposed to have 7 kids on Friday and LV is coming Sat so then we have 8. I am making chili because I don't know what else to feed them! We always look forward to our canning weekends. I know even when Savannah goes away to college she will come home for these weekends.
So anyway, Jed is sleeping, Danny has to get up at 1:30am for work so he is sleeping and Savannah just left to go meet friends. I am here....talking to you! Well it's more like talking to myself! Welp I guess that's about it, Jed and his computer seem to have a virus, Danny is working more overtime so he is trying to get more sleep and Savannah has a life!
Love Jed and Kristin
Everyone sign up for igive......go to igive.com and select Penn State Dance Marathon as your charity, then do all of your Christmas shopping thru there and THON gets $$$$$!!!! Even just surfing the stores can win THON 50,000.00! Every store you can think of is on there. Even ebay!!! sign up
Love J & K
ok, now he is pukey too...no fever though, the life of a chemo kid is always unpredictable...and sometimes unpleasant, poor guy
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Of course we got home and I suddenly remembered there was no juice, no milk, no nothin'! Jed and I went to the store.......he was crying about how bad he felt but he wanted to go to the store. He spent the whole trip telling me, where to park, what to buy, why I should by this and not that. Very interesting. We went to McDonalds for my coffee and their shakes. The closest McD's was so crowed there was no place to park. We went to the other 1 and Jed flipped out because he wanted me to go in and not the drive through...they wait on the people inside first ya know..ok. Whatever, he calmed down until they told us they were out of shakes, and yogurt fruit things and cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey they had my coffee!!!! Someone was looking out for my mental health. We came home and made our frozen pizza and the Mrs. Smith's apple pie is out of the oven waiting to be mated with the vanilla ice cream so all is well....for the moment. He is VERY moody today. And no I have not detoxed from the sugar of Halloween....next week, really! Maybe I might need rehab?? Ya right who has time!
Oh and the other slipper is FINISHED!!!!!! of course Jed had to sit down and show me how 1 was a tad bigger than the other and how I should fix that for the next pair.....next pair.HA! Now I know why I only make stuff for Livi, her stuff is small and she doesn't know if the size is off or if it's a little sideways.
I think that's it. There were a lot of bikes and a lot of toys. I bought toys I knew Jed would like to win at hospital bingo.....just in case!!
Now Jed is walking around the house telling everyone he is sorry for the way he was acting....now who feels like a creep....yup me! Oh well.
Time for pie, that makes it all better, just like cookies.
3 more days.....don't forget to VOTE!
Love Jed and Kristin
some pics under here
ad tiersa livi
ad tiersa livi
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
Wow, the only reason i let this group in my house is the lamb was cute...the other two...not so much!
bopeep in the mirror!!!
bopeep in the mirror
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
Everyone loves this lamb, see nutty bopeep in the mirror???
my little lamb
my little lamb
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
OMG is she just the squeeziest thing?????
despite the look on her face she really does like me...i think!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Jed is feeling ok today. When there is something he wants to do he can sort of push aside the crappy feeling but as soon as that's finished he is finished! His pain issue seems to be under control right now but he walks slow and sometimes needs help getting up...(so do I but i don't think that counts). So anyway he is ok, better than a few days ago and his methotrexate didn't seem to get to him as much this time. Good!
I am very glad the candy is out of my house. I know I ate just about a whole bag of "fun size" snickers all by myself, they were fun alright. I broke down and opened the bag of peanut butter cups this morning, great breakfast. I am grateful we had no peanut M & M's, I would definitely be sick right now. I just could not make myself "back away from the candy bags" I even had a pocket full of wrappers after I finished handing out candy...so sad. I am not the only one in this house that ate the candy though, Jed ate starbursts and Danny ate whatever was open. Yes it's good that it is all gone but now I have to go through withdrawal...candy detox is so hard. I guess I will have to concentrate on the other slipper, yippee.
I am really tired of all the campaign phone calls. No I do not want to go see Sarah Palin tomorrow...yuck... BUT Bill Clinton did call me..we're friends, we rapped about voting and stuff. I thought I was special until my neighbor said he called her too, and he called the other neighbor,oh well. Ok, yes it was just a recording, I knew that. I didn't try to talk back to it or anything.. really
My household is extremely into the presidential campaign stuff. Savannah sits with her map every evening trying to predict the electoral college votes and Jed watched Obama on TV last night and he watched Keith Olberman's and Rachel Maddow's shows afterward!! Thank goodness he has stopped the "I'm Joe the Plumber" announcements every 5 mins. Danny is even hooked on it all. I am so proud! Yes we are a tad obsessed. But just like trick or treat, it will all be over soon. I don't think it's any healthier than the candy either! Thank goodness we all have the same political feelings in this house or there might be a problem. Well I guess not, the people with the other opinions would just have to move!
Ok, gotta go. I have no clue what we are doing tomorrow but Saturday is the Hershey Toy Ride. We rode last year for the first time, I hope Jed is feeling up to going again.
Love Jed and Kristin check out the pics I posted under here
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Jed had school Monday evening and they got a lot accomplished. I guess that's about it.
I shouldn't be complaining. I belong to a listserve for parents of relapsed ALL kids. I never post but I always read them. It is a big reality check for me. The kids on here are so incredibly sick it's unbelievable. A new family joined this morning and the mom wrote that her son had relapsed yesterday, but he was only originally diagnosed in September so it is an early relapse...not good. To top it all off this child had a stroke 2 months ago because of a reaction to a chemo drug....and he is only 2 1/2. Very frightening. Another kid now has major brain damage because with his very weak immune system he developed meningitis, he is 5 and lives in Australia. There are so many and they are so much sicker than Jed...I have to remind myself of that when he starts to feel bad and I worry. He is sooooo much better than all these other kids. And then there is always the "teacher factor". Sometimes he seems to get worse when it's getting close to school time! Yesterday I gave him the meds he needed but I kind of tried to ignore all the drama thinking that he would get better or forget about it. Of course that did not happen and then I felt bad because I was trying to act like nothing was wrong...poor Jed! Today is Wednesday, I wonder how he will feel when he wakes up he took all 20 of his methotrexate last night. We shall see!
I have to say as much as I am a news junkie and really into the election I am sooooo ready for it to be over! I wonder why PA does not have early voting??? Jed always goes to vote with me and if Savannah is home I'm sure she will go too....it's a very big deal.... GO VOTE!!!
I guess that's all for now, I have let Jed sleep in long enough, I felt bad for him this morning so I am slacking!
Love Jed and Kristin
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Savannah, Mom, Tiersa and I went to a baby shower. It was for Alisha Hildebrand, well Morgan now. Anyway it was fun. This family is a huge part of our lives. They have been a constant source of love and support for many years. The oldest daughter in this family was my best friend many years ago. Savannah Renee is named after her. We lost her to this sucky disease when she was 20 and I was pregnant with Savannah. It's strange how she cannot be here physically but is so much a part of my everyday life. Savannah was born 3 1/2 hrs before Renee would have turned 21. So anyway, Renee gave us a wonderful gift, her family. We love them very much and are soo happy to help welcome the 1st grandchild into this crazy clan. Congrats to all of them, Alisha, Michelle, Andra, Cale, mom Peg and daddy Daryl, oh and Daddy to be Kevin!
So that was our weekend. Jed is now eating warmed up Domino's pizza, of course the pizza guy was here yesterday! I think it was a girl though...like it matters, they all know our house because we keep them in business. Wow I wonder why I can never lose that 20 lbs! Maybe the brownies and cookies that I like to eat after I eat the pizza don't help either! oh well.
Welp, I guess that's all. Thanks to all our PSU friends for entertaining Jed. Oh, and how about that game last night????!!!!!! oh yeah!
Love to you all.
Jed and Kristin
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We babysat Livi-Mac this morning. Jed is so in love with her! She is a blast but Jed barely made it an hour before he was sleeping on the couch..poor guy. He did have enough time to show her the "good" TV stations...cartoon network, Disney, Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. She enjoyed Dora the explorer very much and when Jed sang along she wiggled and screamed so much I was worried she might pop! She feel asleep about 15 mins before her mom came home.
I did break down and rescind my rule of no heat on until Halloween, I was cold! I have it on very low but it makes Jed happy! Cold weather sucks. Jed is back in his bed asleep. He feels yucky. Uncle Adam gave us pumpkins but no carving tonight. Today is Wednesday and Wednesdays suck.
Love J & K
Jed introduced her to the magic of Nick Jr. cartoons!
Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
She loves Dora, and now it begins!....
The amazing Flying Olivia!
Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
kids are weird, she looked like a seesaw!
What a pair!
Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
She wore him out! Total party girl
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Love Jed and Kristin
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dj is headed back over here today sometime to play Wii. Jed got his thank you notes finished from his birthday but I forgot to tell him where NOT to write on the back of the postcards! So now I have nowhere to put the addresses and I have to find envelopes to fit the postcards! Needless to say they will be even later going out!
I was very busy this week! I cleaned the kitchen top to bottom and we got rid of our diner booth in the kitchen...it was falling apart. I got a table and chairs from my parents basement that belonged to my dad's grandma! It's yellow.....very cool! The next day I emptied and cleaned the dinning room and moved some stuff around. I had so much junk shoved into drawers and cabinets! It's all gone now! This coming week I guess I will head upstairs. I want to paint the bathroom a different color.
Savannah's application has been received by American University...now we wait!
So that's the exciting week we have had!
What happened to the awesome weather?????? I do NOT like the cold...that means anything under 70. Oh well Love Jed and Kristin
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Today we almost finished the porch! We have a few trim pieces and a piece of rail to put up yet but it looks wonderful. so nice. I got some weeding done outback and put up a fence to keep the stupid dog out of my butterfly bushes. What a dork, he loves to run back and forth through them! Adam, Tiersa and Livi stopped by so I got to see my baby, what a chunk! She was chatting away!
Jed is feeling better. the modification in his pain meds seemed to have worked. He even went to wal-mart with Mommo today! I guess that's it. The weather has been awesome. I haven't been able to ride, too busy. Oh well, I'm sure once it gets cold I will have plenty of time! I guess it's not really all about me anyway......damn.
Gotta go, nothing to do just nothing else to say!!!!
Love Jed and Kristin
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Between this and dealing with all of Savannah's financial assistance papers I feel a little nutty (more than normal). Her application to American has been received and she sent one to Towson and Rutgers. There are a few more on her list too! I know she is a no brainer for Towson but the big hope is American (it's more than double the price), anyway there are so many aid papers and the student loan situation is a real mess. I am thinking that there might finally be an upside to me not working...my w2 was embarrassing and that is actually a good thing with all of this! The other day I was feeling pretty good about the fact that I have a kid as driven as she is, don't know how that happened, but if she gets into American and then we can't dig up the money I will feel so very bad. Ya know I wish I had known at the age of 17 and 18 that the decisions I was making would directly effect my child when she was that age. Never have I regretted skipping college more than I do now. A better paying job would have made a huge difference, I wish I had been smarter.
Anyway so we are working on all this stuff and then we find out that American has a NCP, that is a non-custodial parent information sheet that MUST be filled out. Of course that was a little bit of an issue but it is supposedly going to be done tonight. we shall see. Filling out the papers does not obligate you financially but they do use it to judge the student's "need". How stupid.
Whatever, cross your fingers, a yes to A.U. would be amazing! So that's it. I am making Jed his regular diet of sliced potatoes in the oven and a hot dog. The bun must not be broken and it should be toasted. Yes master!
gotta go Hey to Amy :)
love Jed and Kristin
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Here is a link to some photos that were taken of Jed at camp. A professional studio donates their time and gives the parents the photos and release for prints free. So nice!
Love J & K
So that's about it. This weekend is Megan's wedding. Jed is walking Jase (her son) down the aisle! This should be wild! Grace, as the mother of the bride, is all ready with the new dress Savannah and I helped her find. It's going to be a big event. I hope to get to stay for the reception this time!
So anyway. Hi Trish. Hi Liz.
Hey Christie.... you talk on a cell phone...not pee on them, get it together!
Love Jed and Kristin
Monday, October 6, 2008
Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
Are they just so cute or what?!!! Jed and his main squeeze Holly!
They all sang Happy Birthday to him at clinic!
He is reading the directions!
Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
He has so many tools but doesn't use them much!!!
Danny and Hop
Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
Such a good team! Danny is SOOOO helpful!
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
Bye Hop! You Do Good Work!!!!!!
Don't forget we have a little more work to do!
We worked on our front porch this weekend. It was so rotten that when I hit it with a hammer the hammer stuck in the wood...yuck! We , Dan, Dad and I, ripped it all down and then we put it back up again! Well Dad did most of that part! We still have to put up the support posts and the railing and some trim but the framing and decking is finished...yea! It looks great and I will never have to paint it ever! I have lots of pictures of dad working and Danny watching...ok, helping! Today I started getting the paint off the brick out front. It seems that whenever the former owners painted any part of the porch they splattered paint all over the brick. That is just a ton of fun...stripping and scrubbing the brick. It will take me awhile to get it all off but it looks better already. So that's what we did all weekend. Busy busy! Jed would come out and sit in the sun for a little while and then go back to his room. He did manage to come out long enough on Saturday morning to explain to Dan how to make the support posts holding the roof while we worked. He knew how many nails Dan should put in and the exact spots to put them! He does like to direct!
That's all the news. My house is a wreck, full of tools and junk. Our dining room table seems to always be covered in stuff, drives me crazy. I need and organizer person to explain to me how to get it all straightened up and where to put stuff! Oh well.
Gotta go I am tired!
Love Jed and Kristin
Thursday, October 2, 2008
We are starting to work on the front porch. Danny and I started the demo part today. So I have 1/2 a porch now!
I got an ipod!!!!! I got Danny, Savannah and Jed one for Christmas last year but I have never had one. Danny brought it home for me yesterday! I already have 160 songs on it, of course as soon as I put the ear buds in my ears someone starts yelling for me but hey I have one now! it's pink..cool.
So I guess that's all, like I said quiet here.
Ok, gotta go the VP debate is starting soon........ I will refrain from making any Sarah Palin comments.....oh well.
Love Jed and Kristin
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Right now he is feeling kinda pukey from the methotrexate they put in his spinal fluid. Sometimes it effects him and sometimes it doesn't. We did have to make a stop at the Game store so he could spend the gift cards burning a hole in his pocket!
When we got to clinic they had a poster up saying Happy Birthday Jed and everyone came out to the hallway and sang Happy Birthday! Even Dr. Unger. It was so sweet. I almost got teary eyed...but I don't do that, anyway it was really very nice. They also gave him a Wal-Mart gift card. So very nice. Carol, his nurse in the OR, gave him these little sea shells she got in Mexico called angles wings!
So that's it for now, thanks again to eveyone that helped make his birthday so wonderful.
Love Jed and Kristin