Hey everyone. No clinic today....yay. The weather was great. We were going to go to Roots, a farmers market, with Grace this morning but she had to watch Jase. Jed and I really wanted to go and we were going to go anyway...but no car!!! I tried to get Savannah to walk to school or hitch a ride with another kid...nope! Danny was going to ride his bike to work but when he got ready to leave it wasn't even 30 degrees yet..so he took our car. Oh well. The sucky thing was we had off today, the weather was nice and this place is only open on Tuesdays....clinic day! Now I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow and buy veggies! I didn't get any when I went for other stuff because I was going to buy the good stuff today!!! So anyway. We hung out, Jed had school and when Danny came home he wanted to go look at a motorcycle. My wonderful mother came here straight from work to hang with Jed so I could ride my bike with Danny to the dealer. It's pretty far from here so we were gone until almost 8:30...poor mom! It was a great ride and I so needed to get out in the air! I REALLY needed to get out! I even texted Savannah at school this morning trying to talk her into coming home and taking us to Roots....I'm such a responsible mom! Thank god my kid has some brains....she told me no! That was our exciting day...so glad for the bike ride!
Jed is doing great, he feels pretty good and his brain is working better this week! Last week he was kinda out of it with the teacher! She will be back tomorrow.
Rain tomorrow....yuck. Thursday is supposed to be sunny so maybe Jed and I will go get stuff to make our raised beds in the back yard for veggies. Thursday night Danny, my brother, Tiersa and I are going to the Strand in York to see Brian Adams......summer of 69' guy ya know?! Friday night is the talent show at the high school. Savannah and Karli are singing together so we are going. Saturday I have to take Savannah to get her prom dress hemmed and Danny and Jed are going to see the new fast and furious movie. Sunday we are taking my Gram back to here old house to see all the work that has been done, painting, refinished floors and stuff. So lots of little stuff coming up.
Watching Biggest loser and eating a cupcake that Jed made!
Gotta go see who is sent home!
Love J & K
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Guitar making studio....bedroom
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
This is Danny in his professional guitar making studio....notice the underware under the head of the guitar...nice! He has made 2 guitars in the last couple of weeks...and they work...and sound very good! Must be the underware
Hey all. Hope everyone is doing well. It's all good here. We had a quiet weekend. Yesterday Jed hung out at my parents in the afternoon while Danny and I went to our "Dr." appoint. and out for subs. We also stopped at my Grams place because Danny had not seen it. He loved it and she was glad to see him. Today Jed went to his Dad's for a couple of hours and Danny and I went to look at motorcycles. He is thinking of trading his in for a new one. We had dinner at my parents afterward, Jed met us there...and Savannah. She went over and picked up Gram. "the Mac" had other plans so we didn't get to see our kid..oh or her parents, ya know my brother and sister-in-law! But dinner was great. Lots of calories and no treadmill for me today...bad girl. Jed is upstairs working on his homework. Savannah is out with Kyle, the boy that is a friend but not a boyfriend. He is the kid that hangs out on our couch a few evenings a week!
Jed is feeling pretty good. Some stomach pain and tiredness but nothing our of the ordinary! No clinic this week!! We are going to spend Tuesday at the farmers market instead of clinic...yay. I guess that's all. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Love Jed and Kristin
Jed is feeling pretty good. Some stomach pain and tiredness but nothing our of the ordinary! No clinic this week!! We are going to spend Tuesday at the farmers market instead of clinic...yay. I guess that's all. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Love Jed and Kristin
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hey. The dentist went WELL! No need for all that anxiety! He has 1 small cavity but it's in a baby tooth so they are leaving it. He is missing 2 adult teeth...weird! He was SOOOO happy to get his teeth cleaned! He got a floride treatment and is going back in a month to seal the adult teeth he has. So that's about it, I think I might go to bed....right. anyway, it's all good
Love J & K
A.P....your heart is just fine, I know this!
Love J & K
A.P....your heart is just fine, I know this!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hey all. So...what's new...um, not much! Well Jed is going to the dentist tomorrow. I know your thinking...yeah, so what. I am ashamed to say that I have not taken him to the dentist since before he relapsed. I cringe just writing that. I have been so worried about him getting an infection. I know not a great reason to put it off for so long but well, I did. He had an appointment a couple of months ago but he and Savannah were up all night puking...I canceled that appointment. So anyway here we are, Jed is 11, very much needs braces, he can't have any of that done until he is off treatment all together but he desperately needs x-rays, cleaning, consultations and probably fillings. I am really anxious about this. he has an antibiotic he will take 4 hrs before we go and his white count is up higher than it has been in months and months so I guess it's as good a time as any. I can't begin to imagine what these people are going to think of me when they ask me when he had a cleaning last. Good God, all the crap we have been through and I am worried about this?!!! Get over it right?!
Anyway, he had school 2 days in a row....whoohoo! The problem is that he is kinda loopy, the steroids seem to give him concentration issues, they also give him bone aches so he gets more morphine which of course has a bit of an effect on his concentration! Poor guy. He is such a perfectionist it drives him nuts when he messes something up and having this steroid in his system makes him talk a lot...about random things that never get to a point. He is just all over the place. Hopefully by Monday his brain will be clearer.
We have off this coming Tuesday....no clinic! YAY.
I think that's it for now. He is upstairs with his heating pad watching family guy.....i know very bad....oh well.
Good luck to Alecia P. She is having some surgery on her back tomorrow....poor thing.
Liz thanks so much for the tip! When are you coming to visit?
Gotta go, working on a small knitting project....can't say what or for whom!!!! Right now everyone that knows me is groaning thinking it could be for them!!!!!!!! HAHA
I'll let ya know what happens at ......the dentist.......
Love Jed and Kristin
Anyway, he had school 2 days in a row....whoohoo! The problem is that he is kinda loopy, the steroids seem to give him concentration issues, they also give him bone aches so he gets more morphine which of course has a bit of an effect on his concentration! Poor guy. He is such a perfectionist it drives him nuts when he messes something up and having this steroid in his system makes him talk a lot...about random things that never get to a point. He is just all over the place. Hopefully by Monday his brain will be clearer.
We have off this coming Tuesday....no clinic! YAY.
I think that's it for now. He is upstairs with his heating pad watching family guy.....i know very bad....oh well.
Good luck to Alecia P. She is having some surgery on her back tomorrow....poor thing.
Liz thanks so much for the tip! When are you coming to visit?
Gotta go, working on a small knitting project....can't say what or for whom!!!! Right now everyone that knows me is groaning thinking it could be for them!!!!!!!! HAHA
I'll let ya know what happens at ......the dentist.......
Love Jed and Kristin
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hi. we are home. Jed's counts are good. His white count is up to 5.7! I had to ask if they were sure they were his counts! I am waiting for an email from Denise, his nurse, to tell me to up his chemo meds. He is very tired and feeling weird because of the steroids. His back is still sore from the spinal last week, I think it's more from the steroids though. He has school tonight so he's working on the last of his homework. He got a little behind because of his spinal headache last week and me being gone from Fri to Sun. so he is working...not happy about it but working on it!
Jed did have to stop and get fried clams at the store...yuck! For some reason he had to have a plain cheeseburger from Mcdonalds and fried clams today....weird little kid. He looks good.
We saw this lady at clinic today that has a daughter Jed's age who has the same thing as Jed but she relapsed while in treatment..not a wonderful thing. Anyway this mother is always soooo negative even in front of her kid. Drives me crazy. She will ask a question about Jed and then she has to counter the answer with a worse story of her own. She's one of the parents that have to play the "my kid is sicker than your kid" game. I don't play, and I don't want to win! I don't care if they feel the need for that but don't do it in front of your child. I can't imagine what it does to that child when her mother acts like the only things that will ever happen are the horrible nasty ones. Anyway the good stuff does happen..really! Being negative all the time is too exhausting. We saw a little boy at clinic today,Logan, he is 3. He looks so good I just had to mention it! He grew hair, his color is good and he is a nice solid looking little boy....such a great site to see in that place.
So that's all for now!
Love Jed and Kristin
Jed did have to stop and get fried clams at the store...yuck! For some reason he had to have a plain cheeseburger from Mcdonalds and fried clams today....weird little kid. He looks good.
We saw this lady at clinic today that has a daughter Jed's age who has the same thing as Jed but she relapsed while in treatment..not a wonderful thing. Anyway this mother is always soooo negative even in front of her kid. Drives me crazy. She will ask a question about Jed and then she has to counter the answer with a worse story of her own. She's one of the parents that have to play the "my kid is sicker than your kid" game. I don't play, and I don't want to win! I don't care if they feel the need for that but don't do it in front of your child. I can't imagine what it does to that child when her mother acts like the only things that will ever happen are the horrible nasty ones. Anyway the good stuff does happen..really! Being negative all the time is too exhausting. We saw a little boy at clinic today,Logan, he is 3. He looks so good I just had to mention it! He grew hair, his color is good and he is a nice solid looking little boy....such a great site to see in that place.
So that's all for now!
Love Jed and Kristin
Hi all. we are on our way to clinic. He is to get his inhaled antibiotic and counts today. Right now he is on a half dose of his at home chemo meds. If his counts are holding steady they will probably increase it to the full dose, if they are lower then they will stop them all together. He will be finished with this round of steroids on Wednesday. So far he has been pretty good, no horrible aches, not too much weird OCD stuff, not too many freak outs either! He is sleeping A LOT....even for him! Not even eating more than normal...weird! Maybe he is saving it all up for the "post-steroid" week!
I will keep you all posted.
Love J & K
I will keep you all posted.
Love J & K
Monday, March 23, 2009
Originally uploaded by buckley04@verizon.net
This bar is so narrow the band sets on on the right, the bar is on the left and you have to walk single file through to get to the back! Love it!
Danny and I are home from our weekend in Fells Point. I so love that town! We had fun. Our favorite blues bar is gone....:( but my favorite dive bar, Leadbetters, is still there! Some things change, some stay the same! We did notice that the economy has closed some of the stores and there are a lot of places for sale....we can't afford them of course but they are cheaper than a few years ago! The weather was not bad, sunny and not too cold. We ate and walked and ate and walked and ate! I really love it there. You can walk everywhere, you are right on the harbor, the town is funky and cool, lots of history and EVERYONE has a dog! This is the kind of town I want to live in once we get these kids grown and living their own lives!
Jed did well over the weekend even on steroids. Of course he did have me back in his room last night to hang out until he fell asleep!
Well I guess I better get some breakfast and get my fat butt on the treadmill!
Love Jed and Kristin
Jed did well over the weekend even on steroids. Of course he did have me back in his room last night to hang out until he fell asleep!
Well I guess I better get some breakfast and get my fat butt on the treadmill!
Love Jed and Kristin
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hi ya. Jed's spinal headache seemed to have eased up last night...yay. Hop brought him some coke yesterday and he drank coke all day and laid flat. He even took a shower last night!!!!!! That in itself is amazing, showers are not something Jed volunteers for! He started steroids last night, wonder how long until he shows some effects? He is spending the weekend at my parents, I should warn them he might have some nutty food cravings! Domino's at 10pm, steak before noon.....so many more! I guess after all this time they won't be surprised. I am just crossing my fingers that he doesn't decide to melt down either before I go or while I am gone. We will only be an hour away but.....I am a tad anxious. I want to go to Fells Point, enjoy Danny's birthday and relax.....hhmmm, we'll see! That's all for now, gotta get on the treadmill :(
Love J & K
Love J & K
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This is a copy of a journal by the father of a little boy in Australia. This child had "standard risk" ALL but then he relapsed, finished that treatment, got meningitis and had a stroke. They just found out he has relapsed again. It is so heartbreaking. He is 6 years old
We sat alone for awhile, it was mostly dark but strangely I could see what he would look like as a beautiful young man. Soon he began to talk.
“I want to give up”, he said. “I want to give up. I want to give up now. I want to give up.” When he had finished I said, “Nathaniel your mother and I are NEVER EVER going to give up. We are NEVER going to stop fighting.” He stopped for a while and whispered something I couldn’t hear. And then louder “I Just Want to be a Normal Kid!”
Then he pulled himself up, straightened his head, looked at me and said, “I’m alright now”.
And so he has been.
Sometimes I feel I’m talking to someone much older. But saddened to think that such a small child should know both despair and redemption.
We sat alone for awhile, it was mostly dark but strangely I could see what he would look like as a beautiful young man. Soon he began to talk.
“I want to give up”, he said. “I want to give up. I want to give up now. I want to give up.” When he had finished I said, “Nathaniel your mother and I are NEVER EVER going to give up. We are NEVER going to stop fighting.” He stopped for a while and whispered something I couldn’t hear. And then louder “I Just Want to be a Normal Kid!”
Then he pulled himself up, straightened his head, looked at me and said, “I’m alright now”.
And so he has been.
Sometimes I feel I’m talking to someone much older. But saddened to think that such a small child should know both despair and redemption.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
We are home...yay. Jed had his spinal tap but not his inhaled antibiotic. He started to get nauseous before his spinal. When he woke up he started throwing up. He settled down and we walked to pulmonary. Before we could walk in the door he ran into the bathroom next door and threw up again. It's a little hard to inhale yucky stuff and puke at the same time! He will do it next week when we go for counts. Holly fixed it all for us. He has an ANC of 812, that is wonderful for him. We left clinic and Jed still wanted to go to KFC.....unreal! We pulled up and he ran inside..to throw up! He came out and ordered his chicken leg and mashed potatoes! He ate almost all of it! Only chemo kids can do that kind of stuff!
We came home and made Danny a cake and dinner. The cake was a monster, tasted wonderful but looked deformed. Hey, I tried and I didn't have time to wait for it to cool all the way so it kinda slid.......I am no Martha Stewart! We also made garlic shrimp, steak, potatoes and asparagus yuck. I burnt the garlic bread and Jed made more....and didn't burn it!
So anyway we are all cleaned up and I need to get on the treadmill before the biggest loser comes on. Jed starts his at home chemo tonight. They cut his dose back by half though. He is also to start steroids tonight but the pharmacy won't have them in until tomorrow afternoon so he will start then. Cross your fingers that he doesn't have a freak out or melt down because Danny and I are going away this weekend.
I am TIRED!!!!! Can't wait to get to our swanky hotel in Fells Point
Love Jed and Kristin
We came home and made Danny a cake and dinner. The cake was a monster, tasted wonderful but looked deformed. Hey, I tried and I didn't have time to wait for it to cool all the way so it kinda slid.......I am no Martha Stewart! We also made garlic shrimp, steak, potatoes and asparagus yuck. I burnt the garlic bread and Jed made more....and didn't burn it!
So anyway we are all cleaned up and I need to get on the treadmill before the biggest loser comes on. Jed starts his at home chemo tonight. They cut his dose back by half though. He is also to start steroids tonight but the pharmacy won't have them in until tomorrow afternoon so he will start then. Cross your fingers that he doesn't have a freak out or melt down because Danny and I are going away this weekend.
I am TIRED!!!!! Can't wait to get to our swanky hotel in Fells Point
Love Jed and Kristin
Hi, so off to clinic today. It is the 1st day of the 3rd cycle of maintenance. There are 5 cycles, I guess we are halfway now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He has a spinal tap, inhaled antibiotic and he starts steroids for 5 days..yuck!
Today is Danny's birthday.....oh Danny Boy! Jed and I are making steak, shrimp, asparagus (yuck) and baked potatoes for the "birthday" dinner tonight. If we get home from clinic early enough we might even attempt a cake....maybe
I'll let ya'll know how it goes....clinic and the cake!
Love Jed and Kristin
He has a spinal tap, inhaled antibiotic and he starts steroids for 5 days..yuck!
Today is Danny's birthday.....oh Danny Boy! Jed and I are making steak, shrimp, asparagus (yuck) and baked potatoes for the "birthday" dinner tonight. If we get home from clinic early enough we might even attempt a cake....maybe
I'll let ya'll know how it goes....clinic and the cake!
Love Jed and Kristin
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Hi All. Not much happening around here....that's just fine! Jed is feeling ok. He started to perk up about Thursday. Last night he took Savannah and I out to Chili's with his gift card from the wonderful Mrs. Kirby (school nurse). So very nice of her and of Jed to want to treat us! Then we went to boarders..again. Jed got another Star Wars book....no he hasn't finished the first but he is reading more. I got a book about Savannah, no not my kid..the city! Savannah (my kid) , my mother and I are going to Savannah for Savannah's senior week, it was her idea and I know we will have a blast. I have always wanted to go there. We are excited.
Today we went to see Ma-B, she is in rehab in Hanover hospital. Jed was not going to go but came running down at the last minute and jumped into mom's car. Gram seems to be doing ok. She was eating when we got there with another lady in their dining room. I don't know if she will go back to her apartment at my uncle's or into a home kinda thing. She is working on walking better, I guess we will see. She is still VERY sharp but has Parkinson's and mini strokes that make talking and walking issues...that sucks. We then went to see my other Gram. She is settling in pretty well, making new friends. She said her table mates for dinner are all competing for her attention!...New meat in the old people home!!! I know that's not nice, but it's true! So I guess her social life is taking off!
Tuesday is Danny's birthday, Jed had a spinal. Friday night Danny and I are going to Fells Point for the weekend....YAY! Cross your fingers that there are no last minute emergencies.
For now all is quiet....not a bad thing, weird but not bad!
Love Jed and Kristin
Today we went to see Ma-B, she is in rehab in Hanover hospital. Jed was not going to go but came running down at the last minute and jumped into mom's car. Gram seems to be doing ok. She was eating when we got there with another lady in their dining room. I don't know if she will go back to her apartment at my uncle's or into a home kinda thing. She is working on walking better, I guess we will see. She is still VERY sharp but has Parkinson's and mini strokes that make talking and walking issues...that sucks. We then went to see my other Gram. She is settling in pretty well, making new friends. She said her table mates for dinner are all competing for her attention!...New meat in the old people home!!! I know that's not nice, but it's true! So I guess her social life is taking off!
Tuesday is Danny's birthday, Jed had a spinal. Friday night Danny and I are going to Fells Point for the weekend....YAY! Cross your fingers that there are no last minute emergencies.
For now all is quiet....not a bad thing, weird but not bad!
Love Jed and Kristin
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Howdy. Jed did well yesterday. No cytoxin but he did get his vincristine. That stuff sucks. When we get out of there we stop for food ( McDonald's) and he is asleep within 10 mins of eating his food. he even slept through me running into the store for milk. I got him in the house and he went back to sleep until 7:30. He woke up long enough for the biggest loser and was asleep again before 10:30. He has school tonight so he will have to get up soon and work on his homework. He didn't get much done since we spent the weekend in the hospital! I have to head back up to the bathroom, it would be nice to finish this VERY small room today!!!!!!
I still have hallway to paint.
Oh, did I mention that my Gram is all moved in and all pics hung etc...She was even headed to her 1st dinner in the dining room last night! Haven't gotten the report on the event though!
That's it for now. Tonight Savannah and I are headed back to Hershey for "Thank-a-THON", we call donors and thank them for their dedication to THON! I have never done this before and I have some issues with calling people so it should be interesting. I also have to make hotel reservation for Savannah, Mom and I for Savannah, GA. Did I tell you all that that is what Savannah wants to do for senior week? We are going in June for 5 days...pretty cool, road trip!
Gotta go,
Love Jed and Kristin
I still have hallway to paint.
Oh, did I mention that my Gram is all moved in and all pics hung etc...She was even headed to her 1st dinner in the dining room last night! Haven't gotten the report on the event though!
That's it for now. Tonight Savannah and I are headed back to Hershey for "Thank-a-THON", we call donors and thank them for their dedication to THON! I have never done this before and I have some issues with calling people so it should be interesting. I also have to make hotel reservation for Savannah, Mom and I for Savannah, GA. Did I tell you all that that is what Savannah wants to do for senior week? We are going in June for 5 days...pretty cool, road trip!
Gotta go,
Love Jed and Kristin
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hey. Quick update.....Jed is great today! he spent the day at Grace's playing outside with Jase and Jim and messing up Grace's new computer...way to go Jed! He stayed all day! He seems to have come away from his little visit to the 7th floor none the worse for wear. I, of course, am still trying to recover! I really can't explain how hard it was to be in there this time. I guess if we had had to stay longer I would have fallen into the groove but I was so edgy and anxious to get out, it was horrible. But anyway enough of that...we are out!!!
On a website named pac2 I wrote about THON and this is one of the comments I got back......very cool!
THON inspired a former Ohio State University student a few years ago. The OSU student was visiting a friend at Penn State and learned about THON. She thought, "Why can't we do that?" and came home and started "Buckeyethon." Feb 28th, our family attended our fourth Buckeyethon. OSU isn't nearly as successful as Penn State - but their hearts are fully in it. I'm SO PROUD of these kids! They have truly taken our children to heart. Our first year, they raised $30,000. This year, they raised nearly $90,000 and the money is still coming in. These college kids are the hope for the future. They're looking outside of their own worlds - and reaching out to our children. I hope that some year, some visiting student at OSU takes THON on to the next school... Penn State, we Buckeyes rarely say this, but "YOU ROCK!"
awesome right? Way to go PSU!
Love J & K
On a website named pac2 I wrote about THON and this is one of the comments I got back......very cool!
THON inspired a former Ohio State University student a few years ago. The OSU student was visiting a friend at Penn State and learned about THON. She thought, "Why can't we do that?" and came home and started "Buckeyethon." Feb 28th, our family attended our fourth Buckeyethon. OSU isn't nearly as successful as Penn State - but their hearts are fully in it. I'm SO PROUD of these kids! They have truly taken our children to heart. Our first year, they raised $30,000. This year, they raised nearly $90,000 and the money is still coming in. These college kids are the hope for the future. They're looking outside of their own worlds - and reaching out to our children. I hope that some year, some visiting student at OSU takes THON on to the next school... Penn State, we Buckeyes rarely say this, but "YOU ROCK!"
awesome right? Way to go PSU!
Love J & K
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Guess where we are??? Home!!! YAY us. I gently persuaded Jed, telling him "don't worry you only have to make it through tonight, Sunday and Sunday night, & clinic will be open on Monday. If you have to come back Holly will be here to access you". Jed then told me that it already was Sunday. Oh....umm..good. After making sure he made me aware of how crazy I am he was all pumped up and ready to go. So hey, go me. I came home, put the dirty laundry in the washer, took a shower until I used all the hot water and then fell into bed without even combing my hair! I took a nice nap for about an hour and I feel kinda human again. It really is all about me.....but Jed feels pretty good too. He ate McDonald's on the way home and is now eating warmed up KFC....he is the chicken boy, fried chicken! We will go back to Hershey on Tuesday so they can do blood work and tell us his counts are too low for chemo, Dr. Miller, the on call Dr for us this weekend, was asking when he last had a bone marrow aspiration to check for leukemia cells, he hasn't had one since his 1st to confirm relapse. I had been wondering about that, kids from other hospitals being treated for the same thing seem to have them more frequently. We will talk about that on Tuesday also.
So that's all the exciting news here. Danny took all the chair pads apart that I did for Gram's chairs....nice guy. Now all I have to do is cover them AGAIN! They will be less puffy and should fit. mom is going back to Towson tomorrow to give the correct change of address to the post office and see if the missing dining room chair is still in the house....I would think it would have to be...where else could it have gone. Weird. She and dad are not allowed over here because they both have colds......eeuuuwww....germs.
Trish, just wanted you to know that if we had had to stay I was taking you up on the offer of making a cake so we could eat it! I am so glad to be out of there, it always seems that when you get in there if you don't get out within the first 48 hrs you are stuck for days...weeks... I would have freaked out! It's bad enough when you are expecting it or are still in the groove of being there but we have been lucky and have not had to go up for a long while.....let's get back to that!
Ok that's all. Thanks for all the messages.
Love Jed and Kristin
So that's all the exciting news here. Danny took all the chair pads apart that I did for Gram's chairs....nice guy. Now all I have to do is cover them AGAIN! They will be less puffy and should fit. mom is going back to Towson tomorrow to give the correct change of address to the post office and see if the missing dining room chair is still in the house....I would think it would have to be...where else could it have gone. Weird. She and dad are not allowed over here because they both have colds......eeuuuwww....germs.
Trish, just wanted you to know that if we had had to stay I was taking you up on the offer of making a cake so we could eat it! I am so glad to be out of there, it always seems that when you get in there if you don't get out within the first 48 hrs you are stuck for days...weeks... I would have freaked out! It's bad enough when you are expecting it or are still in the groove of being there but we have been lucky and have not had to go up for a long while.....let's get back to that!
Ok that's all. Thanks for all the messages.
Love Jed and Kristin
As of right now we are still in bat cave #7255. He is going to get more blood today and if he doesn't spike a fever we can go home...on the condition that even if he hits 99-100 we call and come right back in. The Dr is convinced that we will be in by Monday night, Jed is afraid to go because he thinks he will have to come right back...and get his port accessed AGAIN.....huge drama. So the plan is to give him more blood, the last bag did nothing, and see if we can convince him to leave after that. I think he will be fine until Tuesday when we have clinic again. But I guess ultimately it's up to him. I finished my book, need another, have eaten more in 2 days than I normally eat in a week and I remembered that....it sucks here. I also found out that the teenage girl Jed loved so much, he won here a care bear at bingo once, her name is Shawntae..i think that's how you spell it, well she passed away about a week ago. We had NO IDEA. I have not told him, I don't think I will. She was in the room across the hall and they used to pass notes back and forth! I think she was 17......She was so beautiful. My dad saw her at clinic one day and she had no hair but was so gorgeous he said to her " you are so beautiful, you don't need hair!" What a loss, she fought hard, 2 transplants......it so extremely SUCKS.
So that's all the fun news here, god, we couldn't get him to come in now I can't get him to leave! Maybe I will tell him I will call the cops to make him leave since he told me to call the cops to try to get him to go! oh the fun!!!
And the other stuff, my Gram Buckley is in the hospital, she is having mini strokes. My other Gram is in here new place but we seem to have lost a dining room chair between Towson and York...hhmmm oh and the seat cushions I recovered are too fat to fit back on the chairs...I have to take them apart oh and all the return address lables and change of address cards my mom had printed for gram are wrong......whooo hooo we are batting 1000! oh well, what are you gonna do right?!
None of you college kids better tell me anything about your exciting, fun filled spring breaks.....don't wanna hear it! oh but do have fun!
ok, hi to you Trish and Pete!!!!
Love J & K
So that's all the fun news here, god, we couldn't get him to come in now I can't get him to leave! Maybe I will tell him I will call the cops to make him leave since he told me to call the cops to try to get him to go! oh the fun!!!
And the other stuff, my Gram Buckley is in the hospital, she is having mini strokes. My other Gram is in here new place but we seem to have lost a dining room chair between Towson and York...hhmmm oh and the seat cushions I recovered are too fat to fit back on the chairs...I have to take them apart oh and all the return address lables and change of address cards my mom had printed for gram are wrong......whooo hooo we are batting 1000! oh well, what are you gonna do right?!
None of you college kids better tell me anything about your exciting, fun filled spring breaks.....don't wanna hear it! oh but do have fun!
ok, hi to you Trish and Pete!!!!
Love J & K
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hi, so we got Gram all moved in yesterday. Then Adam, Tiersa and The Mac came to put up her new TV and Hop and Jed came to hang pictures and a mirror. Around 6pm were were all exhausted and ready to leave. I put my hand on Jed's forehead while talking to him and I knew we might have a problem. Hop took him home and by the time I got home Jed was taking his own temp and sobbing. His temp was 102. He had a full blown freak out attack. He refused to go anywhere, said I was not to call the Dr. blah blah,,,on and on. Of course I had to call and Dr. Miller said she wanted him in as a direct admit. Oh boy, huge screaming fit. He told me to call the police because he was not going to the hospital, he hated me and everyone else...he named everyone he could think of! He screamed and yelled for at least 45 mins. Finally I told him that either he got up and got in the car or I would call the police and because he had a Dr's order to go to the hospital that they would take him. He, not so nicely, got up and got in the car. He was better on the ride here and after all the trauma of getting accessed he went to sleep. he is now bugging everyone to start giving him his meds IV. He said it's the only good thing about being in the hospital!. Well, so that's what's up here. I heard a rumor that the weather was nice......hate that! If his fever does not return we should get out of here tomorrow I would think. God I hope so! I will keep you all posted.
Love J & K
Love J & K
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hey, Jed's cough seems to have calmed down. I think maybe it had something to do with all the fluid he was given at clinic for chemo....? Me worring for nothing right?! He is tired but he had school last night (under duress). He started to whole "oh woe is me" thing about an hour before Mrs. Washko was to get here. My mom came by to get me ( I had to put shelf liner in the cabinets of my gram's new apartment) he was very glad to see her. He showed her his new book about London. He was easily distracted talking about the trip we HOPE to take next year at this time.....dependent on many things $$$$ is a big one!. My parents took Savannah when she was 10 and Jed was to go also but was too sick. The plan is next March....cross your fingers...I think I am going this time!!!!! I have never been there. Anyway we distracted him and when his teacher got here he did well. I, of course, went with mom to do stuff at Gram's apartment, going back this evening and tomorrow we will be in Baltimore at 8am , the movers are coming. LONG day tomorrow!!!! As of tomorrow night she will be a resident of PA. I am so hoping this all works out well. I hope she likes it at her new place and the trauma of leaving her house of more than 50 yrs is not too hard to handle. I recovered the seats for her dining room chairs last night and the seat for her vanity and the stool she uses in her bedroom. Now I guess I am headed upstairs to .....yup.. paint. I'm getting there but it is hard to paint the hall and stairs with everyone going up and down all the time!
It's going to be 60 degrees this weekend..so glad I still have my motorcycle. Danny said to keep it as long as I can. Maybe I can squeak by until I return to work full time. we'll see but I still have it for now..yay.
Ok gotta go paint!
Love Jed and Kristin
It's going to be 60 degrees this weekend..so glad I still have my motorcycle. Danny said to keep it as long as I can. Maybe I can squeak by until I return to work full time. we'll see but I still have it for now..yay.
Ok gotta go paint!
Love Jed and Kristin
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Just came back from an emergency run to the store. Jed slept for awhile and woke up coughing..a lot. He needed more Vick's and Tylenol cold and Ramon....that's all he said he could eat..so that's what I got. oh and cinnamon bread for toast! I just hope the coughing doesn't get to the point where he is up all night and miserable. His buddy Forrest, at clinic, had pneumonia last week. he is better now but that is a scary thing, especially with these chemo kids.
It's just a cold, it's just a cold.....keep saying that!
He is upstairs eating his Ramon.... watching the biggest loser of course!
Love Jed and Kristin
It's just a cold, it's just a cold.....keep saying that!
He is upstairs eating his Ramon.... watching the biggest loser of course!
Love Jed and Kristin
Hi all. Yup the 3rd time was the charm, he got all his chemo today. I was glad, he wasn't too thrilled but we made sure he slept through most of it. As always the wonderful nurses made "king Jed" feel comfortable. We really do have the best nurses and Dr's and clinic staff anyone could ever have. It wasn't even a very long day, we got there at 8am (Hop was our driver again today) and were gone by 2:30...not bad. we came home and turned around to run out to Boarder's. He needed some new reading material. I am trying to push the reading because it will help his vocab, concentration and just about everything else! He is not the reader that the rest of us are....I hope to change that, he needs to be a better speller than I am! He is tired now and resting but no puking. hope it stays that way. He will feel bad about Thursday or so. Friday we are moving my Gram up here to her new place. Yea! Jed might have to stay with my dad, I don't know if he will be up for the very busy day.
I have been painting. I painted the hallway to the bathroom, the hallway to my room, the steps...I only have half of them painted..we have to walk on the other side! I am also painting the bathroom. It was bright yellow and Savannah said it did bad things to her skin tone and she couldn't put on makeup in there! So now it will be a light turquoise...very pretty..looks like the ocean. I wish I could put sand on the floor...ok, maybe not! Tomorrow I hope to finish the bathroom. The steps used to be what I call "old people blue" kinda dusty blue, it's ok but I am making them a shiny cobalt...I love it!...That's the excitement in my life! I wish I could do electric and plumbing and construction...oh man I would be ripping down walls! Oh and fixing the electric so Jed's TV and PS3 are not plugged into the bathroom! Maybe one day!
It's REALLY cold....yuck.
I am going to put a link up on the right. It is the TODAY show talking about THON..very cool. The kid's Aunt Mindy emailed me some pics, she comes EVERY year on Sunday, she is the only family member outside the 4 of us that has come every year! this year she got there a little later and waited forever for a parking space and then had to go all the way up to the nose bleed seats! In her pics I can really see how crowded it was!
I guess that's about all for now.
Love Jed and Kristin
I have been painting. I painted the hallway to the bathroom, the hallway to my room, the steps...I only have half of them painted..we have to walk on the other side! I am also painting the bathroom. It was bright yellow and Savannah said it did bad things to her skin tone and she couldn't put on makeup in there! So now it will be a light turquoise...very pretty..looks like the ocean. I wish I could put sand on the floor...ok, maybe not! Tomorrow I hope to finish the bathroom. The steps used to be what I call "old people blue" kinda dusty blue, it's ok but I am making them a shiny cobalt...I love it!...That's the excitement in my life! I wish I could do electric and plumbing and construction...oh man I would be ripping down walls! Oh and fixing the electric so Jed's TV and PS3 are not plugged into the bathroom! Maybe one day!
It's REALLY cold....yuck.
I am going to put a link up on the right. It is the TODAY show talking about THON..very cool. The kid's Aunt Mindy emailed me some pics, she comes EVERY year on Sunday, she is the only family member outside the 4 of us that has come every year! this year she got there a little later and waited forever for a parking space and then had to go all the way up to the nose bleed seats! In her pics I can really see how crowded it was!
I guess that's about all for now.
Love Jed and Kristin
Monday, March 2, 2009
So I'm not sure what's going on with this blog, I don't know if it's just me or if it is not loading for everyone..weird.
We will try again tomorrow for chemo. This is the 3rd try, maybe the charm? He slept all day today, woke up at 12 ate a half of pancake, half an egg and a slice of toast. He went back upstairs to watch TV and 15 mins later asked me to turn his light off as I walked by. He woke up again at 6:30...because Danny woke him up. He ate chicken stuff left over from my mom's yesterday. Now he is back in bed but not asleep. He needs to read but he says he finished his book....hmm, I will have to fix that and get him some more books! Reading is not his favorite thing but too bad!
Saturday Jed went to his dad's for a few hours and I painted...all day. Yesterday we went to my parents for my Dad's birthday dinner...we got to play with "the mac". She's pretty funny, crawling everywhere. Even Danny was down on the floor crawling around!
I have to go try to wash off some of this paint!
J & K
We will try again tomorrow for chemo. This is the 3rd try, maybe the charm? He slept all day today, woke up at 12 ate a half of pancake, half an egg and a slice of toast. He went back upstairs to watch TV and 15 mins later asked me to turn his light off as I walked by. He woke up again at 6:30...because Danny woke him up. He ate chicken stuff left over from my mom's yesterday. Now he is back in bed but not asleep. He needs to read but he says he finished his book....hmm, I will have to fix that and get him some more books! Reading is not his favorite thing but too bad!
Saturday Jed went to his dad's for a few hours and I painted...all day. Yesterday we went to my parents for my Dad's birthday dinner...we got to play with "the mac". She's pretty funny, crawling everywhere. Even Danny was down on the floor crawling around!
I have to go try to wash off some of this paint!
J & K
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