Sunday, January 31, 2010
I have nothing else tonight
J & K
Saturday, January 30, 2010
All day I felt ..well, I just felt like I couldn't cry and I was worried....I know I still miss him...even more than before. Why do I feel so calm? Maybe not calm..just flat. Of course that doesn't last long. The pain of not seeing my Jed or hearing his voice is horrible. It has been 30 days since he said "I love you mama". How am I still walking around and doing taxes and stuff...functioning in anyway? Surely when you hurt this much you can't just keep going. Half of me is no longer here. It makes me want to throw up thinking about the fact that he really is gone. I had someone say to me the other day "it's good to see you out and moving on" WHAT? WTF do people think? It is only getting worse not better...when people say stupid things I just stare at them. I don't want to be mean...but I don't even know what to say. I have only had a few of these but they are all dumb. Oh my favorite "well you should get back to work and get back on your feet" (Beck, I am not talking about you) anyway, I wanted to ask this person,"why is it I should be getting back to work and on my feet?" "Why do you want me to do this?" I think the more normal I seem and act the easier it is on least the casual acquaintances. But, whatever. Maybe one day I will write a list of things NOT to say to a parent that has lost their child. I just have to remember there are many more nice people than there are dumb ones.
Danny made me chocolate chip cookies this evening. The roll ones, the ones that Jed and I used to eat all the dough and only have like 5 cookies to bake. We had a whole plate of baked ones this time.
I just want my kid. This is very uncool and getting worse everyday. Why do we have to do this? I don't want to. I want my kid.
Love J & K
Friday, January 29, 2010
I am also SOOO tired. I talked a lot today and it is hard to force the words out to talk loud enough for others to hear.
There was a big picture of Jed on the welcome table..he would have been so happy to see all those people today. I know he is very proud of Savannah.
Ok, that's all. I love you baby Jed.....missing you very much
Love J & K
Jed at age 5
Originally uploaded by kbuckley69
this pic is Jed in the cockpit of our plane when we landed in Puerto Rico while headed to St. John for Uncle Adam & Tiersa's wedding. OMG could he be any cuter???
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I went to breakfast with Dad this morning and Adam and Tiersa and Livi-Mac were there. That kid is a nut. Dad and I then went to see Gram B. It went well. She looks good. She said "well I guess I'll be next to go". I told her "you have been saying that since I was 15....I'm 40 and your still here looking good"!
Anyway, did that then came home and went to my psychologist to talk about myself..even more that I already do. My head hurts and am so tired..but not sleep tired. Sort of nauseous too..guess from the headache.
Tomorrow is Savannah's bone marrow registry drive at PSU York. So if you are not already in the register come on by and get a cheek swab.
Before when I went to work I knew when I came home the good part of my day started...raising my kids. Now when I come home there will be...nothing. Savannah has a life and is independent. She doesn't need to be driven to swimming lessons or any after school things. She doesn't need homework help or a ride to her friend's house. My head hurts too bad to think about this anymore. Besides I just cannot explain it anyway.
Anyway...everything is still ..well nothing is different lets say that. Maybe I'll go to work and just completely fall apart and get sent somewhere for "exhaustion" like celebrities! Yeah I know..not going to happen.
I love you baby Jed and miss you more than words. Nothing is right and everything is empty.
Love J & K
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Today was hard. I tried telling myself the things I repeat over and over. The things I have been writing about the last few days. The way Jed would want me to act and how I know he had to go..blah blah blah. It meant nothing today. Those beliefs just were not enough to eclipse the pain of missing Jed. Today was hard. My mind was stuck on all the things I will not have. All the things that are gone and how my future is so drastically altered. I feel like my future is floating away somewhere in the dark. It is very weird to look ahead and realize ALL the things you thought you would be doing are gone. The fundamental, basic, everyday things that come with raising a school age child....gone. Then there is the absence of Jed himself, his little smart mouth comments and his giggle and his smile and how he made everything so much better and brighter. Gone, gone and gone.
Ok, so my job is still there..whoohoo....I know I should be grateful....I'm not. Sorry, just truth here. I don't care. I know I have to pay the mortgage and all the crap that comes with life and I have a job when many others don't but many others have their sons and I don't so I just do not care about work and the drama happening there. I am so tired..which is weird and makes me feel bad & lazy. All I really do is hang out in bed. If I had had to go to work today I don't know how I would have even gotten up to get dressed much less gone in there. I guess I don't have to really worry about that until my leave is up in early March. Then not only do I have to go back to work I have to navigate the mind field of paperwork and requirements they have now. They have so many new policies but no one seems to actually agree on what they are. Maybe they will have it all figured out by March. But anyway what I was getting to was how do I work like this? I know I have to but I have no idea how I will. Guess I will find out. I better get myself together by March. HAHAHA, everything has gotten worse in the last four weeks and I do not see how they could do anything but the same through the next four weeks. I am supposed to keep living this? Oh my. Yesterday wasn't too bad,,,well compared to today. The days when I can get up and shower and put the laundry in, when I can do that does it mean that I miss Jed less, am I dealing better, feeling better? I think it might look that way to others but it doesn't feel that way. I am just more numb on those days...I can pretend better.. it only lasts for a little bit, it takes a lot of work.
I did leave the house this evening for about an hour. Danny and Savannah and I went to chipotle grill for burritos....they weigh as much as my head. Savannah and I brought half of ours home..Danny can eat them tomorrow. I was safe there because Jed was NOT a fan of Mexican food!
Tomorrow I am going to see my Grandmother. I am embarrassed to say that I have not seen her yet. I should have and I am sorry. She did not come to the service because it is very hard for her to get around. She has Parkinson's and has had a few strokes. She lives in an apartment at my Uncle's. SOOO, I am headed there tomorrow after breakfast with dad. I know, I know should have gone earlier. Poor Gram. In a perfect world she would have taught Jed to cook...but we know....nothing perfect about this world.
After reading this over....The depth of how self absorbed I am amazes me! I will work on that. Danny is feeling better...still sore but getting better and trying very hard to help me. Savannah is working hard, school, THON, work and the Bone Marrow Drive is Friday. She needs a blackberry or some kind of PDA to keep track of her schedule. I'll have to work on some point.
So tomorrow I actually have to get up and get out of bed....oh god. I am exhausted just thinking about it.
Good night Baby Jed.
Love J & K
Jed and D
Originally uploaded by kbuckley69
Oh look at those sweet boys..what they gave each other will last forever
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Four weeks ago today I was told that the cancer was back again and I knew right at that moment we were finished battling this monster. I knew I had to let Jed go. I wanted to stand in that hallway, the hallway I had cried in, laughed in, eaten in, escaped to and run down many times, I wanted to scream. I still want to scream. I wanted to tell, this is Jed we are talking about. You all know better than to think this happens to Jed. But here we are. And now we have to find a way to reconstruct our family and our lives around the huge hole left by Jed's absence. Most of the time I don't even want to. I wish one of my options was to stay in bed..forever. Unfortunately that is not an option. Savannah's future is bright and big..I want to see that. I also want Jed to be proud of me and I want to use the lessons he has taught us. But right now...getting out of bed takes all I have.
I love you Jeddie spaghetti.... and he says "I love you too mommy salami"..with a giggle.
Love J & K
Savannah Dakota and Jed
Originally uploaded by kbuckley69
I think this is fall or winter of 2002. Savannah is a bit taller than I am now and in college. Dakota is now taller than everyone and is 16, Jeddie is only about an inch and a half shorter than me and almost a teenager! Time flies
Monday, January 25, 2010
No lovely stories to tell today. No stories at all really. I spend all day thinking Jed is in his room. I am constantly waiting for him to yell out something. Last night we were watching the football game and he really likes Manning. I kept waiting to hear him yell or whoohoo. This evening when Savannah came in from work I waited for the heellloooo he always did. There are no random giggles and laughs coming from his room..he always did that while watching tv. As each day goes by the enormity of his absence becomes more clear. Did I word that right? I think that makes since. I can't put into words what it's like to not have Jed. The are really no words to describe how, well, just how much it sucks. NOTHING is not touched by Jed's absence. EVERYTHING is altered, EVERYTHING has to be reconfigured and NOTHING will ever be right. I wander around looking at all the things that I should be doing and not doing anything. It all just seems so hard and so exhausting and really kinda pointless. I look around and everyone that is close to me is struggling too. We all hurt but I also feel like I am apart from everyone. I am really very different now. I feel very different. I can't describe it...maybe at some point. But not now. All I know is that I am fundamentally different. The thought of going back to a "regular" life is overwhelming..way beyond anything that I want to do. Anyway, whatever, we will figure it out I guess. Meanwhile I am just going to pretend Jed is sleeping in the next room.
Love J & K
In all my self- involvement I forgot I wanted to say please send love and good vibes to our friend Thomas in Texas..hopefully good vibes will help him over some of these post-transplant hurdles. Also to a lovely friend from clinic who I heard is back in the fight.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Alecia,,,my lovely friend and her mom Linda made us seafood lasagna, homemade bread and a homemade cheesecake and then delivered it!!! The 3 of us ate dinner together. Danny had to stand though...hurts to much to sit! The food was awesome. We talked about how Jed would have been excited about the concept and the scallops in it but would have taken 2 bites and said..oh it's very rich!
oh, I have another story...long one sorry. My friend that lost her son 2 yrs ago was telling me that he leaves her dimes and feathers to let her know he is still with her. She said "so keep your eyes out for dimes". That night I was standing in our room and I looked down and right between Danny's shoes was 1 lonely little dime! Needless to say I picked it right up. I told Dan about the dimes and I said I wonder what Jed would pick. My Grandfather is pennies, Jackson is dimes..I know Jed would want quarters but they are so big! I later went to his room and on his bed right where I always lay...was a quarter. :)
Today was a gray, cold yucky day but Savannah and Danny made me go out, Jed made sure I got the book and we had dinner delivered...with dessert. It made today tolerable and we made it through. Thanks.
When I went into Jed's room tonight to turn on his light..for the first time since we came home without him..his room smelled like him. Very faint and only briefly but it was there.
Love J & K
Oh, Jeddie the missing you is so very painful. The whole in our family is so huge. The love you gave and continue to give is holding us up.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I went out and ran errands with mom and Savannah. We stopped to see Gram for a bit too. We had to go get her "special hairspray". I drank the last cherry coke out of her fridge....she kept them there for Jed.
I took some flowers over do I word it? I could say "to Jed" but Jed is not there, just his ashes. I guess it would be easiest to say "cemetery"....hate that word, sounds creepy so does "grave". SO anyway...I took some flowers over there today. It's only a little walk from the house. I still am having trouble comprehending that he is really gone. I just don't understand. Jed was to be the patient that kicked cancer's ass. He was already a rock clinic and up on the 7th floor but he was supposed to be the proof that it can be done. I have this mental image of us coming into clinic for yearly blood work. He is tall, very tall, with thick blond wavy hair and still has his same bright beautiful smile but now with braces. He is strong and healthy, but still the same sweet boy. He jingles his keys in the hallway and his favorite nurse, Holly, stares at him and then realizes it is Jed and HE drove ME there! Everyone comes to see him and we are all so happy. I have had that vision for a long was so vivid and evolving over the years that I was positive it had to be true. Little did I know...
I was thinking today, that our friend Forrest does not know. We saw Forrest in clinic about once a month. Big teenager that tried as hard as he could to be as"red-necky" as possible. His caring, sweetness always came out with Jed though. When we were waiting for the bone marrow test result on Nov 11th Forrest talked to Jed. Jed had started to cry because he knew what the results were going to be. In his funny, awkward, teenage boy, Forrest, kinda way he got Jed settled down. It was a very sweet moment that is burned in my mind. I should try to make sure he knows what that few minutes meant, to Jed and to me. Forrest and his mom are such nice people.
Today we got a letter from Jed's teacher's parents. It was a beautiful and extremely appreciated note. I was excited that he had this teacher this year. I thought Mr. Phillips would be the perfect teacher to get Jed ready for Jr. High. I also always like Jed to be around smart, nice men....the overly tough guys irritate me. I have to admit, the first time I met Ben, I thought he was about 17 years old and I was afraid he would not be as understanding or as patient as Jed would need. Turns out he was perfect. Now I know why, the letter I received from his parents shows me how he was raised. Jed has added so many wonderful people to my life..and he is continuing to do so.
It funny how I think I have nothing to say and it turns into a book!
So today was just a day...another hollow, heavy day...that's how I feel, hollow but heavy. Weird. I did go to the grocery store...with mom and Savannah so it wasn't too bad. It was very crowded though...I wanted to hide under my hood. But I didn't..onward I went...reluctantly...but for right now at least I went.
Love J & K
Friday, January 22, 2010
We went to see Livi-Mac. Mom and Dad were there too. That kid is a nut. Again, extremely difficult to see her and know the love Jed had for her and how she will never know him.
My heart is breaking my heart is breaking my heart is breaking..over and over and over.
What my son went through during his life was horrible. I can only hope that the little good things helped to make it bearable for him. I can't wait to see him happy and healthy.
Dan is feeling a bit better, moving more but still very sore.
We watched the Haiti benefit on TV. All those babies. I don't want one but I wouldn't mind going there and helping to take care of them for a bit. One orphanage is run by 2 sisters from Pittsburgh...they were extremely young and they are there..taking care of these children..I can do that.... not stay forever just for a bit.....just need to figure out how. Not right now though. We all need each other here right now I think. But I hope to go.
I miss my Jeddie. I want the good & wonderful memories to soon over run the visions of the horrible things. The things he had to do, the fear he had and the pain. They are pretty big and there are many, it is very hard to bury them under the good stuff. It is a big job....that I think will take a long time. How exhausting.
Love J & K
That load of laundry is still in my dryer. I got dressed out of it today.
Jed the Hat man
Originally uploaded by kbuckley69
such a funny little boy...all puffy from stupid meds but always SO funny!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Danny is still very stiff and sore from his hernia operation. Yuck. I am glad he is home though.
Savannah is back in school and slowly going back to all the things she does. I am so glad.
I am too tired to do anything. I am working very hard on trying to hang on to the idea that Jed was a special gift given to us for a specific period of time to teach us specific lessons. He is no longer in pain. There is no fear and no possibility of losing his sight. No after effects of treatment. He is happy and healthy and busy doing Jed things. Watching us and hoping our sadness will ease. This is what I am working on. It is very hard work. I want my sweet guy back. I miss the sarcasm, the nutty Family guy quotes and the many many facts and trivia that he like to spout...somehow they were just always a tad off. Well not always, because god knows he was constantly helping me and correcting me! I miss his smiley little face and I miss the way he made our house lighter and brighter. I am going to try to make him proud and learn from all he taught me. Right now though....I am just so so sad and lost..
I am reading everything I can, trying to find something that helps...there has to be something somewhere right?
Savannah is getting her Jed tattoo in a couple of weeks. It's a tree with Jed's name under it. I have NO idea what I want but I have to have one. He sat with me while I got the one on my shoulder to celebrate the start of our cancer free life. Who knew
Love J & K
I wrote more thank you notes today...I haven't mailed any but I have been writing them. When you finally get one, well, just know there were many things I wanted to say to you but..I'm just not able, my brain is not working quite right If you don't get one from me at all...I am so sorry.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Jed and Bitty Baby
Originally uploaded by kbuckley69
He was so excited to watch Livi-Mac's reaction when she saw her baby doll. He was also amazed at the little pants and shoes and bottle that came with her. It was so cute how interested he was!
Danny is feeling ok. Still very stiff and sore, guess that will last for a bit.
We are still getting cards and notes. Thank you very much. We appreciate all the support and caring.
It feels like I haven't seen Jed in forever but is also feels like he was just smiling at me making snow globes. It sucks. Missing him is the worst pain I could ever have imagined. I know...that's all I talk about but...well...that's all there is to me now. When I came home today from my Dr. appt I ran upstairs to talk to Jed. A minute does not go by that I don't think of him. Everything I do..did..was with Jed. I am missing half of me. It is agonizing and then when I think it just can't be gets so much worse. I hate this. Things that should be fun or at least distracting are just painful or don't seem to matter. EVERYTHING feels pointless. You know, I have always been an optimistic person. I told someone recently that all my life just when things got to the point where I thought, oh god, what am I going to do, something happened to make the situation bearable and then I knew whatever the problem was things would be better soon. Even through Jed's illness I felt this way......then all of a sudden in October I realized that my help was not arriving. I still thought, ok I guess we have to fight a little more, then things will start to head up. Well it seems that whatever it was that turned up in my life to get me through the bad times forgot about me. Right until the very moment that Jed left I thought, any second now someone is coming in here with the right meds or Jed is going to wake up and then we all can laugh and cry and be amazed, once again, at Jed's resilience. Something HAD to happen....I really really thought that. I didn't expect it to be easy but I was positive someone was going to let me keep my son...and let him have a real life. I mean after more than 7yrs of fighting and working so hard shouldn't he get to win? So now there is no optimism, there is no sunshine around the corner now I know better. There is just life without Jed. I don't understand.
Love J & K
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
This is a long post and I could go on and on.........poor you!
Love J & K
Monday, January 18, 2010
Danny and I rode for a bit today. I rode with him, my mind is not capable of riding a bike on my own yet..or ever. It was nice, as nice as it could be. I checked my phone a million texts from Jed. I used to be happy to head back after a ride. Now it doesn't really matter.
Not much else happening.
Love J & K
Sunday, January 17, 2010
SO over all, I am glad I went....not the most jovial road trip we have ever been on but not too bad. We will go back this summer. I want to take Danny. This village is so cool and they do so many different programs throughout the summer. I will find a different medium and see what the next one has to say. According to the "rules" you should wait 6 months before you try to contact someone...well I couldn't. You also should wait 6 months between contacts...that sucks but I can wait until June.....maybe.... we shall see. I don't know if there are any "real" mediums around here. That's it, I will stop rambling. Thanks for all the love and support.
Love J & K
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I am worried about Danny being home alone. He and Dad had dinner together tonight but they both went home to empty homes. Our house, even with the 3 of us in it, is very empty. Without Savannah and I there I am sure it is almost unbearable. We will be home tomorrow evening. I have this anxiousness to get home, I have had that feeling for so many years that I don't think it will ever go away. Over the last years, the few times I have been away from Jed, all I could think of was getting home and making sure that he was ok. Even in the middle of having a great time with Savannah (she is the only reason I ever went away from him for anything) my mind was always worrying and ready to get home. Now I have no reason to feel that way but I think I always will. .
I guess that is all for now. I'll let you all know if anything interesting happens tomorrow.
Love J & K
Friday, January 15, 2010
Fwd: Multimedia message
this picture makes my heart hurt,,if it's possible to hurt more than it already does.
We ordered Jed's headstone today. How nauseatingly miserable
From: <>
Date: Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 4:53 PM
Subject: Multimedia message
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dad had already been over there earlier today to clean up the flowers and such. Savannah and I took a new flower each and got rid of some more old flowers. We put a blue and white bow from a basket of flowers on the temporary marker. Tomorrow we go to order his stone marker. It is all fairly easy until you actually come out of the fog and the reality of the situation falls on you. Then it is again....just too much to bear. I know I have said this over and over and I'm sorry but I will say it much more....I do not know how I am supposed to just go on, go back to the daily grind of work, and trying to pay the bills. I know I will have no choice at some point but the thought of just starting up all that again seems so very pointless. Ok, so I know the point, mortgage, car, food, on and on. I love our house...but it is a house with a very heavy heart. A house that has lost it's most vital member. The house itself feels heavy and seems darker. Everything that has happened in and around this house since we moved in has been about Jed, for Jed...all Jed. He used to lift up his window and screen and stick his head out to talk to me while I was watering the flowers or while Danny was washing his bike. He would whistle at us to get our attention!. He would then amble downstairs and come outside just to see what was up. He did not like to miss a thing. He would tell me where he thought certain things should be planted and he would say "mom, our flowers look great, you do a great job". He would hang out on the antique crib I had on the porch and give everyone advice and direction on whatever they were doing, he should have charged for his "advice". He would also go out and sit on the front step and listen to his ipod until Haley next door came out, they would share the ear buds. I am so sorry that I only have 1 picture of this. I had to sneak to get it. I took it through the front door. Jed also loved Haley's little brother. He is only 2 I think. Jed would make sure he didn't go to far or eat too much dirt. He was such a "mother". So now am I supposed to do the porch and the flowers again this spring like we always did? Jed went with me every year, even when he didn't feel so great, to get all the flowers for out front. It took hours and trips to a few different places. Matching and blending the pinks of the flowers was essential. I don't think I can do that without him. I don't even want to. Just one of the many, many, many things that will change. I will never be the same person I was and our house will never be what it was. So again I come back to the original question, I am supposed to just go back to the daily grind? I really have not done that since Jan of 07. I always said I would never mind going back to work because that meant Jed was doing well. I never thought I would have to go back..because I had no reason to not work, because there was no one here to take care of. Going back because Jed was starting his own life as a teenager was hard but exciting....this, this is just....worse than I ever could have imagined.
Watching the complete devastation in Haiti, texted and donated my share....Danny did more. Seeing those mothers holding those babies made me sick to my stomach. Jed would have been in our bed watching all the news reports and making Danny dig out a credit card. He always found the place to donate that got you the most bang for your buck! You know like a "donate now and we will match it" kinda thing. I miss my kid.....more and more and more...every second. It just keeps getting worse.
Love J & K
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I have been trying very hard to keep it all together. Today, from the moment I woke up I was having a hard time. Today was just HARD. Things seemed to have calmed down this eve when I came home and got in 5:30... and started talking to FB people. I don't care how lame that sounds. I have a network of friends on FB that have been and continue to be a big source of support. Many are Cancer kid moms and are in all stages of treatment and off treatment. Many are friends from "back in the day" and many are new friends. They have ALL been very supportive. I talked to my cousin in CA for sometime, my childhood friend in MD and my union steward! Yup a very eclectic group. Soooo, I am a bit better but only as long as I don't think. As soon as I think or as soon as reality leaks through the dams I have built my heart hurts. It is a physical pain. The kind that takes your breath away. When I imagine living the rest of my life with this I know I cannot do it. It is hard to describe how seeing a picture of Jed's beautiful, always smiling face makes me smile while a knife is stabbing me in the heart. I know, so very melodramatic but is. I NEED to see him and hear his voice and feel his hands. This is not a want, this is a very real and desperate need.
When I was trying to have another child after Savannah I remember having these worries, like boarder line panic attacks, about having a healthy child. For some reason I was almost positive that because I already had one healthy, perfect child I could not have two. When Jed was finally born and he was healthy and perfect I thought, "see Kristin, you are just nuts". It never occurred to me that he could get sick later. I thought I had really beaten what seemed like a certain outcome of having a sick baby. I am not sure what that has to do with anything but it was on my mind.
I heard the music from The Biggest Loser and had to turn the channel quickly. Jed and I watched just about every episode together. We were looking forward to the start of the new season. We liked to eat and watch the show...
Despair, that is a word I don't think I have ever used. It is the only word that comes close to how I feel. It to though, is terribly inadequate. When I go over in my mind the things I could maybe do or the places I maybe could go they sound good. Until I remember Jed will not be there with me, smiling, making smart comments and brightening all that comes close to him. Suddenly every option seems pointless and empty.
There are things happening here that are wonderful. I came home from my fun today to a clean house..thanks mom and even way better..... Savannah is dancing in a freshman it is a huge deal. We are very proud. I am proud and amazed at her strength. There are crazy big, incredible things in store for her. Savannah's future is wide open and exciting.
I guess I will sign off on that use depressing everyone even more than I already have!
J & K
Monday, January 11, 2010
I spent a few hours this evening at the house of some very close really. Trying to get their youngest child into rehab. What a mess. I love this family and am so sick for them. Tough love is incredibly hard but it really is the only thing to do at this point. Just another freaking mess. I left before they actually got on the road so I am not really sure what is going on.
Why can I only cry for about 30 seconds at a time? I feel like I could just cry and cry and cry but as soon as I actually start to cry..I stop. Weird. It does take a lot of energy, maybe that's the problem...not a lot of extra energy here!
Tomorrow I get to take Danny to have a colonoscopy....whoohoo. My life rocks...ok I guess to put a good spin on this I have to think at least it's not me having the colonoscopy!
It was very odd to be away from the house without Jed. It was even odder to know I didn't really have to go home at any certain time. I didn't have to call home to check and I didn't get any texts asking me to come home. I hated it. I want to come home and take care of Jed. I want to have to go into his room to lay with him so he will go to sleep. I want to have to go downstairs at 3am because he wants morphine and a cup of dried Frosted Flakes. I want I want I want.....but it doesn't matter at all what I want because I cannot have it.
I went to lunch today with mom, Savannah and Grace. After lunch we just ran some errands. It was good for awhile but all of a sudden all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I checked my phone a million times but of course no one needs me at home and I have no real reason to hurry back.
I stop typing sometimes for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. I find myself just staring at nothing. It's hard to drag myself back from where ever my minds seems to go. I am not actually thinking of anything during these lapses..I am just staring at nothing. Weird.
I want my son back with me. I do NOT want to "find a new normal", I do NOT want to "move on". I do NOT even want to try to "draw strength from the good memories". I. just. want. my. son. I need to hear him talk to me, I need to see his little smiley face. I need to feel him when he climbs into our bed because it is "softer". Yesterday was 1 week since he was with me. I have never, in 12 years, gone this long without being with him. I cannot imagine EVER being happy again. I just do not see how that is possible.
You all are going to get tired of reading the doom and gloom but really....that's all there is in me. I guess I'll go now. Gotta be fresh to be the colonoscopy delivery driver...hey it's Tuesday and I am driving to a doctor. Weird.
Love J & K
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I know I never really say anything about Jed's dad. I don't even know if he reads this and I do not want to know. He did not come to the internment today. He never called to say he was not all. Savannah called him at 5 to answer and no return call. I am not going to go into details of the saga that has played out since the kids and I moved out. There have been some not so pleasant times. I am not perfect and will take the blame for being the catalyst of all this and for not always handling the situations with grace and dignity but I will not take responsibility for his actions. It has been 10 years and things should have been different between him and the kids. There was some issue with a burial plot the other day, he was angry with his parents and confronted them on the phone. I called him and his explanation was that he wanted to make sure no one was pushing me into things I was not happy with. I assured him that EVERY decision was mine and mine alone. I know there was more to the burial plot thing then I could figure out but that was no reason to not come to the internment of your oldest son. Jed loved his dad. Jed loved his little brother and sister. He did not spend much time with them for a few reasons, one of which was Jed not feeling well. So anyway, really what all that was saying was that he did not come this morning. I know that the service yesterday had very little, if anything to do with them. I sort of feel bad about that...I don't know why, but I do. The reason for that though is the lack of involvement they had in Jed's life. I don't know if he is angry about the service yesterday or trying to make a point about the burial plot. I don't understand. There are so many things to say on this subject and so many layers but what I try I remember is that Jed would want no anger...on either side. I realized the other day that I really have no reason to ever see them again. I have always invited them to every party for Jed and made sure Jed and Savannah had birthday gifts for the kids and cards for Father's day. Savannah is 18 and her father doesn't speak to her much and Jed is no longer here. That WHOLE chapter of my life is over. I would gladly return to all that if it meant I could have Jed here, but it doesn't work that way so, that's that. Their father missed so much, he was the big loser in this whole thing and he doesn't even realize it. Jed was such a beautiful gift and he missed most of it, again...his loss.
I feel a little better now, the pizza issue has settled and I am calmer..with no medication, just writing.
I am very anxious as to how all this is going to play out, especially over the next few months. I know I should probably go back to work the first of February. I really do not want to. I can stay home until March 11th. I just have no clue what to do. I have things to talk about concerning our future, but I have no idea what the decisions will be. I just can't imagine staying here, doing the same old thing..forever. I will die..but my family is here and ...oh god who knows. A shop on the beach somewhere warm would be the stuff. Jed and I used to talk about having a shack on the beach with a big deck area to grill stuff and sell big yummy sandwiches. With a great bar and awesome drinks...right in the sand. The problem with that is not only money but who the hell is going to cook now?! I just cannot keep doing the same old thing I have been doing. Right now is not the best time to be making any decisions ...especially since I cannot even have pizza delivered without a meltdown. oh my ..this SOOOOO SUCKS
I have been having really bad dreams. Dreams about Jed being sick and I am frantic because I cannot help him but I am right there...or I am just not doing the right thing or enough of whatever he needs.
I wish I could do everything over again....I really really want to. Now I know..there are so many things I should have done better or differently. Shit. yes this really sucks...
I want dreams of my son that are comforting not reminding me of what I should have done. maybe soon...right?
Love J & K
Saturday, January 9, 2010
As completely devastated as I am I really think Jed was here to teach us all lessons. Everyone that has been touched by Jed either first hand or through others has learned something. He made all of us better people. His sweet, compassionate , caring soul showed us how to be accepting and more loving. His giggle, quick wit and smart comments reminded us all to lighten up and not take everything so seriously. His strength, determination and sheer will showed us all that you can do more and go farther than you ever thought you could. Don't waste these gifts he has given. Take them and run with them. Make my Jeddie proud.
The rest of my family, extended family and friends that are like family have been what has held us up and gotten us through. I will never be able to tell you all how grateful we are.
I have much more to say so Big Jed's World will keep going. You might get a lot of whining and "poor me' kinda stuff but when I can, I plan on trying to make Jed proud..I am sure it will be quite some time but I plan to try.
Again Thanks to all ...the PSU students past and current, the high school students and Jed's elementary school friends, the teachers & staff, doctors, nurse practitioners and nurses, our social worker and HMC staff, Four Diamonds friends, neighbors, my friends from high school (it took me until I was 40 to realize I had so many great school friends), the people from work (so happy to see you all there, especially for Dan and Mom), to my friends that are like family..and of course my wonderful rockin' family..thanks for all the care, love and support for so many years.
Also a special thank you to all my fellow cancer kid moms, I feel your strength and heart is with you in whatever stage of this crappy journey you happen to be in.
Okay starting to ramble, feels like it's's only 8:15! Tomorrow will be the internment..can't bring myself to say burial. Jed will 2 blocks away from me, across the street from his school and in the place where we used to walk Emmitt everyday.
Love J & K
A HUGE thank you to ALL the owners and staff of The Great American Saloon and Jed's Lion's "Surprise".... I am blown away by how generous you all have been..Thank you
Friday, January 8, 2010
I miss you Jeddie, my world is dark and grey..and so very empty
Another article about Jed and a video that was shot in Sept 2008.
Love J & K
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My mom unwrapped all his Christmas gifts last night. If I had thought I would have found someone to take care of all of that..I feel bad. They really are doing more than they should be doing with all of this. I have no clue as to how to fix that.
I was given advice from someone in the know today..about work. The suggestion was I might want to be back at work by Feb 1st because our new contract takes effect on Feb 2nd. SOOO that adds to the fun. I know it would be stupid to quit my I have no education or skills....which are essential for employment..or at least employment that can pay the mortgage but I really just want to go somewhere sunny and drink a lot..for a long time. Lottery?? Actually even the process of getting to somewhere sunny feels like too much. Besides I think I would feel guilty soaking up the sun. We all need to be soaking up the sun. Is life really just supposed to keep going like normal? The problem with that is now my "normal" is not possible. So I have to go find a new "normal"...I am supposed to have energy or desire to do that? good god.
I never, ever thought I would miss going to clinic and the hospital and giving out meds and worrying about fevers..but I do..and if I am doing that that means Jed is here...I want Jed here.
Hope to see you all Saturday. Also hope you all will join us at The Great American Saloon after the service.
Love J & K
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Jedediah Thomas Smith
(September 29, 1997 - January 3, 2010)
A memorial service will be 1 p.m. on Saturday, January 9, 2010 at Living Word Community Church with the Reverend Dr. Charles W. Salisbury officiating. Following the service, the family invites everyone for a time of gathering at the Great American Saloon banquet room in Red Lion. Life Tributes by Olewiler & Heffner Funeral Chapel & Crematory, Inc., 35 Gotham Pl., Red Lion is in charge of arrangements.
Jed was born on September 29, 1997, the son of Kristin Buckley and Steven Smith.
Jed was an avid Penn State fan. He enjoyed playing video games, and watching The Simpsons and Family Guy, all with his best friend D.J. Dietz. He loved cooking and traveling. He would watch the Travel Channel and Food Network to see where he wanted to visit next. Jed loved motorcycles; he was the Grand Marshall of the 2008 Harley Davidson York Bike Night Parade. Most of all, Jed was a very gracious and compassionate child. At the children’s hospital, he was concerned about every child on his floor. He loved his doctors and nurses on the floor and in the out-patient clinic very much.
Jed is survived by his mother, Kristin Buckley and step-father Dan Slatton, his sister, Savannah Smith, his father, Steven Smith and his wife Alice, his brother Phinean and sister Nola; grandparents, Doyle and Linda Buckley and Mike and Holly Smith; great grandparents, Alyce Martin, Elma Buckley, and Ken and Hilda Goheen; an uncle, Adam Buckley, his wife, Tiersa, and cousin Olivia; an aunt, Mindy Zook, her husband, Barry, and cousin Dakota; best friend, D.J. Dietz; and good friends Grace & Jim McWilliams and family.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Penn State Dance Marathon at On the web site, please designate your donation to Gamma Phi Beta or ACACIA, whichever accredited organization you prefer. If you would like to mail a donation please send it to; Gamma Phi Beta THON, 108s Haller Hall, University Park, PA 16802. Please put Jed Smith in the memo line of your check. All money raised goes to help fight childhood cancer.
Monday, January 4, 2010
The service is Saturday at 1pm. When we have everything finalized I will post all info. Have I mentioned how WRONG this is? Just so , so wrong. Where is my son? Why is he not here, with me, hanging in his room, playing Wii in the living room, riding to the game store, headed to the Pride for his fried shrimp basket, getting ready to go back to school, why can he not be here? What was the point of making him suffer and fight so hard to just die anyway? There is no way you can give me an explanation that would make sense. I cannot think any further ahead than the service...after that everything looks gray, nothing but nothingness. I think about how truly devastating this is and how thoroughly I am crushed, I start to cry and then I realize that crying is a pathetically insufficient way to express how i feel. My despair and pain is so deep there is no way to physically express it correctly. I hurt for all the other people that are loving and missing Jed but honestly no matter how much I love these people and how much I worry about their suffering I feel empty and just uncaring. I want to be angry but Jed didn't do angry so that just falls flat, like I said I start to cry but it is so insufficient, I want to scream and wail but that takes more energy than I have. Mostly I just feel empty, dreary, pointless, lost and confused. Really how can he be gone,,,,honestly, have you seen his smile? have you heard him chatter for hours? have you heard his smart comments? Have you heard him express concern for another sick child? If you have experienced any of these things then you have to know, like I do, that there is no way he can be gone. It is just not possible and who ever decided it was ok for him to really be gone was a dumb ass or just plain mean. I want nothing, I just want my son back
on the other side of all of this I have to say that Savannah is amazing. I am floored by her abilities.
i need really i just need my baby Jed
Love J & K
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I don't have a lot to say right now. I laid in bed with Jed last night for hours. I was so tired I fell asleep. All of a sudden I woke up and asked Danny for a blanket. While he was putting it over me I was talking to Jed, telling him to please go, I will be fine and he does not have to fight anymore. Jed took maybe 3 breaths and then stopped. It was so quick but he waited for me to wake up before he left me. The outpouring of love is overwhelming and so appreciated. The depth of our devastation in immeasurable. I don't understand how he can be gone from me. We were always together, ALWAYS. I asked his advice about everything and he helped keep me organized and together. I really don't know how I am expected to just keep going without him. THe fact that I was laughing with him and looking at his sweet face only days ago is so hard to comprehend.
The service will be Saturday, more info as we get it all set up. hope to see you there.
Love to you all and thanks also.
Love Jed and Kristin
can I keep signing it that way? i think I am going to anyway
Today we were fairly busy with visitors. Peg and Daryl, Grace, John and Meg. Casey, Trish and Pete with kiddies, current and former Penn state friends. I know I forgot..oh wait, Adam, TIersa and Livi Mac came! She sat on my lap and patted Jed's hand and said "baby"! I guess because he was in bed he looked like a baby! I'm sure I forgot someone, I am having trouble remembering what day it is and who came when! Sorry if i forgot you, you are no less important than anyone brain is just fried.
I am ok , except for those times when I forget to pretend that he will be ok. Right now I am very good at just pretending. Mom and Savannah came up this morning and Danny went home. Danny and Hop came back this evening and mommo and Hop went home. That seems to be the schedule we are keeping and I think it's working. Savannah and mom are here for visitor organization! They shuffle people in and out! and bring me water and rice crispi treats. I spend all day in the chair next to Jed's bed holding his hand. I am so afraid if someone is not touching him at all time he might think he is here alone. Whenever I get up I have someone take the hand and the chair. There really is nothing to add. I am still not able to comprehend that this will actually happen. All my life when something bad was happening, just when it got to the point that I couldn't handle it something would happen and make it all right. I really thought that would happen this time...I guess not. ( I still have a secret hope).
I had to briefly talk about arrangements today. Danny and Dad are handling all the practical stuff and Savannah is doing the other stuff. I almost got physically sick when talking to Danny about what happens after. I want it all to be right, as awesome as Jed is awesome. Of course I know there are limits! I am just giving my opinions and my few must haves they are doing the rest. It is a horrible nasty rotten thing to even talk about. The impact this will have on so many people is impossible to measure. I know my family will never be the same, holidays will never be the same, NOTHING will ever be the same. It will never be as good as it was when Jed was with us.
I better go before I start to ramble.
Baby Jed,
you are the most wonderful boy in the world. The world will be a much darker place without you.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Hershey Med Center 7th floor 7256. Amy..the ban on children under 18 has been lifted. if you bring D or not I completely understand.
Love J & k