Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hi all. Today is my mom's Birthday...Happy Birthday Mommo! We went over there this evening. Dad and I bought chinese food and Adam made a kick-butt cake. Why is it that when you are eating Chinese food it tastes so good but it makes you feel weird and bloated later?? Maybe it's just me, You probrably aren't supposed to eat a quart of chicken and broccoli and a whole thing of sweet and sour shrimp by yourself. I'll have to try moderation next time..right. We put the candle that plays Happy Birthday on the cake and tried to sing along...I thought when we all sang you couldn't hear the fact that I am tone deaf. I guess you can because, as we were singing, Savannah looked at me and said "what are you doing?"...Um I thought singing but maybe it only sounds that way in my head! Mommo was tired, worked late today and going in early tomorrow. Adam is exhausted, work, school and fatherhood. But hey my group and I were just skippin' around..Savannah sat and texted while holding a conversation over dinner, Jed tried as hard as he could to get as close to Livi as possible and picked at his Happy Meal, you didn't think he would actually eat Chinese did you??!! Me, I dropped broccoli on the floor (no one saw that), was a little too firm when burping Livi-mac and used a knife to cut the cake that does bad stuff to Adam's expensive non-stick cake pan, oh and don't forget the bad singing. Dad tried to tell us all that mom was a few years older than she really is, walked around in his Homer Simpson slippers and wore his new Homer Simpson mask. So all in all nothing was new except mommo had a birthday. Happy Birthday. When Jed and I went to order the food he studied the menu in case there might be something he would like...he found something...Chinese donuts. He asked what they were and me, in all my brightness, didn't know if they were real donuts or like some kind of weird Chinese food thing with pork or something...i just didn't know. We asked the girl and between hand signals and some weird noises we found out that they were sugary..that's all the info Jed needed, he wanted one. They were $4 each, I thought wow they must be huge but maybe someone else will want one, so I ordered 2. So just for future reference the 1 was 1 pack of like 15 donuts. We have a lot now. Learn something new everyday! (Jed ate one)
Danny stayed home, he has a cold again and didn't want to infect to baby...and he is a baby so he wanted to be in bed. He has had more colds in the last year than he has ever had all together. I wonder why? Maybe stress I guess. I know it has to be hard to unexpectedly be the sole support for a family of 4 when before you had someone else doing half. He is doing a great job.
Grace and Jase stopped by today. That kid is funny, when Grace comes in and hugs and kisses Jed Jase yells No, No, my Nona!!!! So of course because we are all so twisted we have to do it a lot. Sad I know! I let Jed sleep in this morning. He seemed great when he went to bed but he came and got me about 12 crying that he felt horrible and it hurt to move. I gave him some morphine and stayed with him until he fell 2am! I get up very quietly and try to slip out of the room but when I get to the door he says "I"m not asleep", this happens a few times every night! I just can't sneak very well! He was tired and kinda slow today. Hopefully it won't last long. I foolishly thought because he did so well yesterday that he was not going to have an issue with this chemo...I REALLY should know better. But I am such the eternal optimist.
I guess I am finished running on. Jed is in bed, so is Danny, Savannah is at church with Nana, I'm watching Countdown on msnbc. We have an exciting thing happening here! Oh, the king is calling gotta go do his bidding.
Love Jed and Kristin


Meg said...

Teasing my little man.......such awful people....LOL. It is funny isn't it? I want a chinese donut!

Liz said...

Hi JED!!!!

We miss you and can't wait to see you again! Its been too long. Hope you're practicing those line dances!
Give everyone my love!

Liz :)