Originally uploaded by http://www.flickr.com/people/buckleysmithslatton/
The smile in this picture leads one to think Jed is in a good mood...not so much! He was sooo crabby today. One minute he was fine then he was yelling and hitting Savannah. He had a melt down over some tie-dye thing. Then he saw mini corn dogs in the freezer and got happy. He insisted that we make them but when we explained that these were meatless corn dogs he got ticked off. But as you can see he enjoyed them anyway! Then tonight he lost it because I only had 2 hot dog buns left..which should have been fine. Only Savannah and Jed were eating a hot dog. Well Jed broke his bun & he CANNOT eat a hot dog if the bun is broken. He yelled at Savannah and demanded that she trade buns with him. She had already eaten part of hers but he didn't care! She, of course said "no" So that started a screaming match. He ended up stomping up the stairs and slamming his door telling us he hated us. Then the ankle that was hurting him yesterday but hadn't been mentioned today suddenly started to hurt...so much that he "couldn't move" & was going to starve because he couldn't eat the hot dog with the broken bun and he couldn't get downstairs to look for something else. Of course he made a very dramatic trip down from his bedroom to search the fridge. After much loud moaning and crying he decided he was just going to starve himself. There was no food that he could eat in this house. I decide that was a good time to take a ride, I stopped at the tanning salon and of course stopped for new BUNS! I got home and made a new hot dog (the other had been cut in half and they don't taste good if you do that?!) he also had some cut potatoes in the broiler because the baked ones I made earlier were not hot anymore and "baked potatoes are sooo yucky if you have to warm them up"!? Well king Jed ended up with a fresh,y grilled dog on a NEW bun & some potatoes. The kid that was going to die of starvation ate less than half the dog and about 5 potato slices. But then he was happy....until he couldn't find some cord for his computer thing and started to freak out again. He was yelling, I was yelling, Savannah started to yell so Dan went and found the cord. All is calm now...except me! I want to eat cookies and hide somewhere. I even made sticky buns with icing...great for my diet. Tomorrow is weigh in day....oh yipee. It has taken me almost 5 months to lose 12lbs. I am not that dedicated I guess! I really want cookies right now. Many many cookies.
Tomorrow we head to Hershey, if his counts are good we will be admitted for a few days. we need to be out before Saturday...it's Boating Day.. you know the one I thought was 2 weeks ago?! Danny leaves Saturday morning for California....lucky him.
Welp at least I can watch Phelps swim tonight. How about that relay??!!!!!! Go USA!
oh here we go again, he can't find his ipod and "Savannah HAS to load more songs, it MUST be done by tomorrow. King Jed has spoken. Danny is looking for his Ipod. I want cookies.
Love Jed and Kristin
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