Hey. Well things are calm here!!! I should not say that I'll jinx things! Dad is doing better, very stiff and sore but he is moving around and drove his truck today. So he is getting better. The guy that pulled out in front of him is 83 yrs old. Now I have NO issue with old people driving, my Gram is 87 and she drives. But I think this man should have to take a drivers test again to prove he is still competent. He is only being charged with failure to stop at a stop sign. He almost killed someone but that's all he is being fined for. I don't get it.
Anyway, after all the drama we did have a nice weekend. On Saturday Danny and I ride our bikes up to the Harley dealer to see Dad's bike. It doesn't look horrible, but the frame might be bent. The tank has a huge dent and the crash bar is wrapped around the side of the bike. Jed stayed with mom and dad and The Mac was there. They wore each other out!
Yesterday we had a little party at Grace's for her B-day. It was fun. lots of good food, she was to grill some chicken and use paper plates but of course we got there and the table was set and she made a ton of food to go with the pasta salad, deviled eggs and cake I brought and the baked beans mom brought. Gram came down with mom, everyone was glad to see her. Adam and Tiersa came for a little and brought a pitcher of margaritas! yummy. Meg and Jace and Johnny were there of course. Jim did lots of grilling. It was a good day, we had fun.
Today I had to get Jed up at 7am to go to the dentist with me at 8. I lost part of a filling a few weeks ago but it didn't hurt so I just ignored it. Well it started to hurt the day we left for Savannah..of course. It hurt on and off while we were gone and I used up my secret stash of vicodin! I finally decided to get it fixed. It did not hurt when I woke up this morning but now that they have "fixed" it it hurts SOOO bad! Now my whole jaw hurts. Great I just had almost $1,000 worth of work done to fix the pain but it is worse! They said because of what they had to do it might be "uncomfortable" for a few days...oh yipee! Of course my first thought was of good, I will not eat if it hurts....HA seems like nothing can stop me from stuffing my face, even extreme jaw pain. Good God.
Jed is doing ok. He had school this evening. He is tired though from the early morning wake up call! Tomorrow we have off from clinic again. I have to cut Gram's hair at 10 then maybe head to the pool if the weather is good. That's all for now.
Gotta go take more meds!...Oh the best part, while I was whining about how much it hurt Jed said "go take something for pain and quit complaining...nice! No sympathy in this house!
Love J & K
Eli, Sue and Brett... we continue to send you love and strength, enjoy Hawaii and then come home and kick cancer's ass..enough is enough right?!
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