Monday, March 21, 2011


Jed, Sniff and his cool ride to clinic...2007

So let's see what's new. Not too much. School was long today...and I was "shunned" by someone that sits next to me every Monday eve, except tonight she walked right by and sat in the back! Everyone (all 7 of us) stared with our mouths open. She did not even look at me! and to think when I answered her email about an assignment I not only tried to help I even sent her attachments of what I had done. Geeze! I feel like I'm in Jr. High... I hated it there.
Anyway, I spent the morning watching Hop try to change Savannah's tire. Last week it over heated and Hop fixed it. Today she got a flat on the way to school so he and I went up to try to fix it. Well, the wheel was so stuck on that we could not get it off. Ended up with security and maintenance coming to help. They were awesome...and it got changed...only took a couple of hours! Thank goodness for Hop and security and maintenance. Poor Hop was under the car with a was wet and cold and he is gimpy! AND now Nana and Pappaw have told her to make an appointment at the dealer to get brakes and have the valve changed that we have been putting off. Thank goodness for Nana and Pappaw too. Gotta love Grandparents! So now we know she is definitely getting a AAA membership before she moves to State College.
Uh, let's see....OH.... THON 2012 started last night when Elaine Tanella was named THON overall!!!! Congrats! The sad thing is that it will be Ryan Mead's last THON...well, as a student anyway. UGH. I remember when he was just a cute little freshman on his first canning trip at my house! :)
That's him on the couch wearing the white sweatshirt next to Crooked, while Jed is digging in the bag of money! Oh those days....missing them.
Makes me want to cry....oh wait...I always cry...but still....I just have to say I am SOOOOO glad Ryan got to meet Jed. So very glad!
Anywho....That's all I have. I always think of things I want to say...but then they just don't come out! Please keep some people in your thoughts, Tony Sheppard, a family member serving in Iraq and his wife, my cousin Kimmy and their kids holding down the home front.
Eli Sidler and his parents Sue and Bret Hershey Med friends. Danny and Kael, and their families...more cancer kids. There are so many. Send them love and good vibes.
I know I should be thinking globally, Japan, Libya, etc...but sometimes it's hard for me to think beyond the cancer kid world. My heart and head will always be there. It was the most defining role of my life and I am so proud I was chosen to be with Jed through his journey. Being Jed's mom is heartbreaking and so perfect at the same time. I am very grateful for that gift.
Jed and me
Jeddie, I miss you...not a shocking statement I know. I have been thinking of making a quilt out of your T-shirts. I went through them late last so hard. I don't know if I can actually cut them yet! When I go in your room I still have a very hard time understanding that you are not here. It does not seem possible, I try not to think too deeply about it...I can't handle that. Watch over Eli.
Mommy Loves you baby Jed
Love J & K

1 comment:

Becky said...