Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hey, well we had quite an eventful day yesterday & night too. After being at clinic from 9am to 5:30pm we went to get a CT scan on Jed's belly just to rule out anything major as the source of his pain. Jed's belly pain has been increasing over the last few days and his oral morphine doesn't take the edge off. After his scan he had the tech call DR. Unger and tell him that he felt too bad to go home. Dr. Unger said if Jed felt he needed to be admitted that he had to go through the ER because clinic was closed. Needless to say being in the ER on a full moon night for 7 hours was an adventure. I guess Dr. Unger thought Jed might just decide to go home if he had to sit through all the ER fun. At 9pm Jed finally started to get very upset, the place was packed. The nurse at the desk just told me "I'm sorry he has to wait in line like everyone else". Ya know I don't want to butt ahead of someone that is seriously injured but come on, a 10 year old that has cancer and intense pain is not the same as a kid that wrecked his bike and needs stitches.The only good thing is that he actually has a white count of 1.6 right now!!!! A nurse came out & we got him to call Dr. Unger again, the docs answer this time was for Jed to take some oral morphine that he knows I carry. That was the whole reason we were sitting in that freak show, Jed was throwing up and couldn't keep much down, besides they weren't strong enough to help this pain. When the nurse told Jed what the doc's answer was Jed just lost it. He told the nurse "you don't understand I am in pain. If I could take medicine that would get rid of it I would have done that by now but nothing works and I throw up.I have cancer, don't you get that?" This poor nurse, I really thought he was going to cry, I was crying, Jed was crying and the 50 people in the place were dead silent & watching. We got back to a room about 45 minutes later. We finally got admitted and up to the 7th floor at 4am. We did have an awesome nurse in the ER, he was the best. Jed has been asleep since 8am. His pain is under control, the CT scan showed nothing. The Doc said that he maybe they should treat this like an ongoing irritable bowel issue. So now we are waiting to see what the GI people want to do. I did tell DR. Unger "well I guess since he sat through that freak show from 6pm to 4am in pain he really was not faking or exaggerating his pain". I got no response from that. I don't want to piss the guy off, he has been treating Jed for 6 years but I have to say I really took that crap last night personally. There was no reason for Jed to sit down there in pain begging for pain meds. I don't know what his motive was but there is not one good enough to justify us sitting there all night. Thank goodness it's over.
We saw some sights! Oh my. From the overly hairy guy in a tank top dragging around a small boy in too small pjs that was autistic and squeeked every 5 mins or so to the 3 old guys that must meet there every couple of weeks, to the family of 9 or 10 that were there to see "grandpa" to the 5 yr old little girl with a tiny scrape on her forehead that her mother kept dabbing with a tissue ( it was not bleeding) and the kid screamed at her mom that she hated her and to shut up, to the big guy with tons tattoos that used the public courtesy phone to do "business"to the big girl sitting on the floor in front of me showing me her ass all night because her jeans were too small. (sorry) anyway it was an adventure and I didn't even tell you about the guy I spent hours with in clinic that decided to bring up politics so he could "educate us ladies" as to how we should vote. He was not popular & everyone left and I had to stay there with him until 5pm! So yes this 28 year old moron did explain to me because "women have a hard time understanding finances" how the national economy works. He just can't figure out why his wife wants a divorce..geeze, I don't know either. Thanks dude but you definitely did not convert me! You could not pay me to vote republican (sorry for those I have offended). I promise to try to not talk about politics on here!So like I said interesting LONG day!
We are here until Jed feels his pain has lessened enough to go home.I have no clue when that will be, tomorrow? next week? Who knows. Danny took off half day to bring our stuff up, of course I forgot to tell him to bring my make-up bag (I thought that was a given) so I look lovely today! Like it really matters right? ok, 7260 is the batcave magic number this trip. I will keep you all posted.
Love Jed and Kristin


Anonymous said...

DrU, so not nice what so ever! What a complete asshole! do not even get me started!

Can I get you guys anything?
Any special requests from Jed?

xo trish

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your tumultuous day. I can't believe they made Jed wait like that. You are too sweet to not be kicking every guy you see in the balls when that happened (including the man teaching you "finances..." I'm totally on your page with that ) Give Jed the biggest hug for us all (if he can take it)
Anything you need please let me know. We are planning to go to the walk in Hershey on Sunday, and hopefully you can make it too, for different reasons!
love- Christie

Savannah said...

haha look at christie using big words. tumultuous.

and yes. kick balls.