Sunday, February 13, 2011

This week I think will be a little THON flash back. 5 days until we THON. Savannah is writing up my itinerary. I have to be in certain places at certain times with certain types of food and drink.
I had kind of a mini panic attack this evening.....but I think it's more about my test than my itinerary. I also think it's just the thought of going to THON. I guess, I have no idea. I had about 10 mins where I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I was studying and I started to shake (more than normal) then I had that thing I used to always have where I can't get a deep breath. It was very odd. But it left. Dumb. Oh the Drama!!!!
Anyway, THON is looming....always exciting and now, extremely painful. I have to keep telling myself that this was Jed's favorite place on earth and he would not want us to be anywhere else. So of course we will be at THON. We will THON for Jed and our J's. Which of course includes Janiece. We will have a great time.
Enough of my crap, here's some pictures.....

sjk thon 2009
Thon 2009

I don't know if this was our first or second THON but it's Jed and Dr. Ungar

Here we go!
THON 2008

I was looking all through my pictures trying to find 2007, then I realized that was the one we missed. Savannah and my parents were there but Jed, Dan and I were at Hershey Med.

THON 2006 Yes that is Jed in there...weirdo..

I'll leave you with that wonderful picture. I'll have to scan in THON pictures earlier than 2006. They are not on the computer. Gotta get on that.

Jeddie, love. I took you yellow tulips yesterday. I'm sure they froze and fell over but they looked so nice for that brief moment. Yellow tulips in the snow. Danny dug me a hole and buried the vase. I'll get something better this week. I love you. Go to school with me tomorrow and help me with this logic test. I am missing you so much I can't even talk about it, so much worse now. I hope it is sunny and warm where you are and the yellow tulips are not frozen.
Mommy Loves You
Love J & K

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I talk to Jed every day,mostly asking him to watch over his mom and sister,not that he isn't,but hea thats me.I mention there school alot and how a little push or shove mite be needed at times,and that whenever he got a chance,his ole Hop could use a quarter. Well after breakfest,at the pride,where else,i started to get in my car and spotted something shiny,yep you guessed it ,a quarter.i picked it up and realized it was a state quarter when i turned it over i found out it was and Iowa quarter and on the back was,yep,a School with the inscription,Foundation in Education.WOW lv you bub