Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hi ya. So we had a very exciting day. Jed has been awake since the jackhammer started outside our window at 7am. I was thrilled when the rain started and they had to stop! Casey came today. She and Kevin drove up. Hershey med is one of his clients so he "worked" while she chatted with us. It is the first time we have seen each other in 7 yrs. Just a note to everyone....friends are too important to let stupid crap come between you. Jed talked and talked and talked! He doesn't remember her..that makes me sad. Her daughter Autumn is exactly 1 week older than Jed. We have video and pics of the 2 of them in the bathtub at my mom's when they were about 18mos. Blackmail material. So anyway she was here for awhile and danny came. Then this eve Joe and Debbie Althoff stopped by. Hayley and Ashlyn could not come because of the over 18 visitor policy.
Denise, our lovely former housekeeper here on 7west stopped by to see us. i know it was a very hard visit for her. She knows all of us well. We come, we go, good stuff and bad she sees it all. Thanks for stopping by.
Jed ate some cereal and some yogurt, starting to see a pattern with that!
His white count went from >.1 to .1! He got some more platelets today because they keep falling. All we are really doing is what we always do...wait for counts. As soon as he is eating more and as he walks more then the meds will slow down and go away too!
hey, did you know that there is a special poison control number for dogs? Savannah called me this morning saying the dog ate a bag of pistachio nuts..big bag. I called Dan, he said call the vet, the vet said call this special poison control number. I called and there is a recording in the beginning saying they are completely funded by donations and a $35 fee is charged and will cover consultations with our vet etc . When I got a person on the line I told her I just wanted to know if pistachios were toxic for a dog. She said I had to pay the fee for the info. I was going to say never mind but I figured if i did the dog would die and Danny would say "why didn't you spend the $35 to help save him?" I paid the fee & she says..ok, pistachios are not toxic but the volume he ate is very damaging. He needs his stomach pumped!!! Danny and Mom were voting on our contract, Savannah was in class so mom had Dad stop by to check on the dog...he was fine. Danny went home after the vote to take the dog for the stomach pump and the dog was playing, jumping around and eating his dog food!!! Turns out that in her panic Savannah thought he ate much more than he did. Woo what a relief. Never a dull moment in our house, even when half of us are not there! Can you imagine how much it would have cost to pump the stupid dog's stomach..oh my just what we need with the threat of losing our jobs..a stomach pump for the dog
Thanks again to all the people helping us. Lion's Pride restaurant and it's customers have helped us so much these past few weeks. They really saved us, with Danny being laid off for 2 weeks and I am not getting paid the help is super nice. Especially since I know everyone is struggling. Thank you VERY much.
Thanks for all the cards for Jed and all the well wishes. Savannah said there is a box at home from Perewitz motorcycles Jed is excited to see what's in there! Me too!!!
Hugs to all
Love Jed and Kristin


Anonymous said...

Oh no do I owe you $35? trish

Savannah said...

bhahaha were those pistachios from trish? that was a huge bag... i thought he was going to take off my foot when i tried to get in between him & the pile.
then after i swept them up, he was finding them under the table, chairs, fridge, stove and rugs... like he hid them just in case. brat.