Sunday, December 20, 2009

I don't know why things just can't stay boring. The fevers started yesterday eve about 5pm. They return every time the Tylenol wears off. He is currently at 4o.8 (105.4). He has ice on his head and we are waiting for the newest does of Tylenol to kick in. They put him back on vincomycine last night and this eve they increased the frequency of the doses. Fingers are crossed, now it looks like even our 1 day at home for Christmas is in peril.
Mommo and Hop were here, he was awake and chatting some with them. Mommo got my laundry washed for me :). They brought him a tree...all decked out in Penn State Christmas stuff! It is a mini of the tall one in the lobby. it's very cool!
We are currently working on the 1 step forward -3 steps back method.
Not really a fan of that method, but that's just what it is at the moment. waiting for them to come retake his temp. I usually sneak into the hall and steal the first thermometer I can find. I just looked, they must all be in use. We have an oral one in here but I don't know how it works and when it beeps and Jed realizes I am fumbling with the buttons he will tell me to sit down and wait for a nurse to do it.
Ok, it's going down..slowly. 39.6 (103.something)
Guess that's it for now. Boy wonder has awakened and is watching Family Guy. Counting down the minutes until his next dose of morphine.
Love Jed and Kristin


Gracie said...

Hey guys, sorry to hear about the fever's, that really ----- just fill in the blanks, I have!!! I wanted to let Jed know that he has the most crazy Junior dog in Southern York Co. While it was snowing he was jumping around and dancing like he was on HOT COALS!!! He was barking (per usual) at the snow as it was falling and biting at the air,flakes whatever was falling. he looked like a crazed creature, and guess what, he belongs to YOU... I guess he just loves the cold wet snow...Jim put a wood pallet under his house so he didn't get lost under all that snow we wanted to make sure he didn't turn into a PUP-SICLE!!! Sorry I just had to say that. His other kennel mates who I have to say are GIRLS have much better sense and just watched from their houses, it looked like they were smiling and I think they were. I thought you might like this little story, and when you are feeling better could you please draw me a picture of this famous Junior dance. I wish I had my camera with me to catch his antics. Your Mom would have been at the ready!! Well honey-boy you rest and feel better. Hugs & Wet Kisses from Junior and the Gang + the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jed! Hope you feel well today. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I want to let you know how much of an inspiration you are and how much of a soldier and a hero you are to me. I have a son named Christopher who was diagnosed with cancer when he was 11 and he is now 17. But most of all we wanted to send you hugs and kisses from across the US from Tacoma, WA to you and your family. Stay strong and if you havent done so already, tell your nurses that you want to paint your windows at the hospital. Its lots of fun!
Hugs and Kisses to you and your family!

Lisamolina said...

Hi Kristin and Jed,

Hope the fever is gone by now and Jed is feeling better, and that you will get to go home at least for a little while for Christmas.

Will look forward to reading your next post.

Prayers and positive thoughts coming from San Antonio!
Lisa and Thomas

Gracie said...

Hello K & J wanted to see if you're feeling better & if that fever has gone away, I hope so. Just wanted to say goodnight, and hopefully start the morrow feeling like a coooool cat. I know I'm sooo weird, but thats my hope. love you much see ya soon. Here's a lot of loving just for you kido.

Johnny said...

Hi guys. Just checkin in. Hope your fever is down and stays down Jed.

Anonymous said...

Just remember what your Hop said, it will work out. LOVE YOU