Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jed and DJ checking out the dessert menu.
Hey all. So tomorrow we start all the crap. Jed had a good day today. His Dad and family came here for a couple of hours to hang out with Jed. Danny and I took a ride. When we got back all of a sudden he wanted to go out and eat! 2 kids from PSU Steph and JJ stopped by with a bunch of stuff for Jed. Yoohoos and tons of candy and a DS game. When they left we went and picked up DJ,,,of course and headed to Chilis. Needless to say we are all so stuffed we are sick. To our dismay, our fave manager moved to a different store...:( we are very sad about that and the Chilis he is working in now is in Lancaster. Our dinner was still great Jed just didn't get fawned over like he normally does! After we dropped off D Savannah called me crying, she was getting pulled over....for something that was my fault. Her registration was expired..since August. I asked to speak to the officer and I explained that it was my fault and what had been going on here all through the last few months and what we are gearing up for now. He said "um, I understand, but with registration tickets I like to be consistent and the fine is $150". I said "Oh my god, but really I have not been home too much and it just got lost in all the other things going on." he said "I like to be consistent with registration citations". I told him well thank you very much for you compassion and understanding officer. and he said "your welcome mam" !!! MORON. I am going to write him a note and tell him everything that is happening, with all the gory details, and then I am going to say I hope in the future others show him the compassion and caring he showed to us. Jerk
But any way screw him. Jed and DJ had fun at dinner, so did we. Grace and Jim stopped by after we got home to drop off some stuff for Jed, socks and a big jar of coins for the vending machines! I am doing laundry and packing, Jed and Danny are watching The Land of the Lost. Jed is ok until he has a second to think about what happens tomorrow, what is starting. He just starts to cry and says he hates his life, he wishes he was DJ and he cannot do this again. I keep telling him yes he can, it will be very hard but he will conquer all this and by springtime he will have beautiful healthy cancer free bone marrow. I have to say though,, I don't want to F'n do this either. The pain and sadness and just how horrible it is for him gives me nightmares. BUT we will do it and we will win. I am tired of F'n losing and I am tired of my son not having a childhood. Better not start that I can go on for days!
I also want to send strength and love to another boy getting ready for BMT. Thomas we know you will be victorious too!
And Casey, Kevin and guys will get through this and Kevin's cancer will be a thing of the past very soon.
gotta go washing machine is beeping.
Love Jed and Kristin...


J. Perewitz said...

Hey Jed, Kristen, and Danny, Hope your day was OK. Stay strong and think good thoughts. Maybe in the spring Jed can learn to ride a motorcycle! I started on a Honda 50! Always thinking about you guys.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the scary thoughts that are going through both of your minds.... BUT, push them away, they don't belong in your minds, only the positive good thoughts belong there! I am sending healthy happy positive thoughts and prayers to you all the time so I hope those make it into your minds and hearts! I hope Jed looks at this as just another hurdle and the rewards will outweigh the trouble ten fold. Big Hugs, ~Sara Liberte