Friday, November 12, 2010

Twice in the last week Livi-Mac has picked up my mom's phone and said, "I need-a call Jed".


I know how you feel Mac. I wish I had an app. for my phone that worked like a medium so Jed could text me. This is getting harder and harder.
Savannah and I mailed some snacks to St. Croix today. Good god, the cost of shipping might be a thing that would keep me from moving to an island! That really adds to the price when I'm shopping! We have some wine to take, to ship 6 bottles it would have cost over $100! We are drinking one bottle now and putting the rest in our suitcases.
Savannah lectured me today about my social skills. I said maybe I would just get to St. Croix and then do everything alone. Savannah said that is rude and I need to interact with others...haha. I'll put improving my social skills on my list of shit to do....I mean stuff. I am feeling a bit irritable lately & it seems to be getting worse. I am kind of waiting for the person that finally sends me over the edge. Beware.. :)


Goodnight Baby Jed. I'm trying...I really am....I'm just not very happy about it. Some days it's too hard to fake it. Mommy Loves very, very much.
Love K & K


Savannah said...

ooh i want muffin back at that squishy age where she didn't talk back to me and her toes were still cute. all the good things that would come with rewinding.

Becky said...

Edie & I have had a few chats recently about how progress is the american way and part of that progress is how kids are supposed to be better than their parents in every way.
Next time Savannah tells you to brush up on your social skills, compliment her on how good hers are and then remind her of how progress is the american way.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kristin,

I hope that u can relax and have a wonderful time at st. croix. It is like God's heaven at the islands. I know that Jed will be with u and I hope that u feel him all around. Now just have fun and u have wonderful social skills. U are a wonderul lady and all will see that. Don't worry -- be happy. love u Plh