Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The weather is awesome!!! Riding in the jeep, top down, sunny, 85 degrees and drinking a Smirnoff ice...not a bad gig. OH and did I mention that they don't really pull anyone over for anything. In the words of our host..."it's a bit lawless here...a little wild west like".

Savannah at Point Udall, doing her happy, happy, joy, joy dance!

Nila, Danny and Kate

We hiked about a 1/2 of a mile to an empty beach. We only saw 2 other people all day. It was wonderful.

Danny, practicing his snorkeling.

Yesterday we went horseback riding through the jungle and onto the beach. It was fun.

Me, Savannah, Nila, Lydia, Kate and Danny

Savannah happy as a clam riding Mr. McGregor
Elan in a beer box.

Tomorrow we are off to a half day boat ride to Buck Island and do some snorkeling.
Watching Kate with her 2 boys under the age of 2 makes me realize that I am too old for that baby momma stuff. It is exhausting! They are so sweet and funny but oh so tiring.
I have really gotten closer to solidifying my decision to move somewhere warm in a few years. This would be my 2nd choice behind The Keys...so far.
The girl Nila brought with her, Lydia, is super cool. We are having a great time with her
Anyway have to go to bed. Up early tomorrow.
Jeddie, I am missing you so so much. All the beauty and the warmth here...I know you would be very happy here. Desperately missing you...oh so very very much. Mommy Loves You
Love J & K

1 comment:

Savannah said...

Mom... my horse's name was Butch. But alright.