Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I lived through it. Everyone was very nice...of course. I also found out that I have sick days that are only good until the end of the week...so I will be "sick" Thurs and Friday. I am exhausted and my back hurts just from standing! I am very sadly out of shape. I was very aware of the fact that coming home was going to be hard. It was but Savannah found a random quarter today..and so did I. We know Jeddie is watching. So tired. so missing my baby.
Love J & k


Anonymous said...

I was worred about youse today,but i also new you were a very strong women.I am very proud of the way you conduct yourself in any given situation,our little big man is to i'm sure. lv u

me said...

Thanks Dad....and I was even nice back to others.

Anonymous said...

I know coming home and not having Jed there to greet you must have been excruciating. So glad he thought to send you and Savannah quarters!!

(Look, I figured out how to post a comment!) ;)

Katie Donigan said...

Oops, that last one was from me - apparently I didn't figure it out as well as I thought. Doh.

Anonymous said...

Kristin Jed will always be thinking of you just like you will always be thinking of him, that will never go away. Stay Strong, you really are an inspiration to many!!!~Sara