Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Krooked and Mr Gamma Phi

Krooked and Mr Gamma Phi
Originally uploaded by kbuckley69

THON is fast approaching. I am very anxious, I know this is going to be one of the hardest things we do. Savannah dancing adds more meaning but also more worry. I just have no idea how this will go. I really cannot predict how I will deal. Guess we will find out..:)
Oh, quarter story....I am at the grocery store with mom on our way home from work. I check my phone and see a picture that savannah sent me. I cannpt figure out why she is sending me a picture of the toilet bowl. I call her and she says "did you see the quarter in the toilet? Without going into lovely bathroom details evidently Danny used the bathroom and there was no quarter in the bowl. Savannah went in later and after the flush looked and realized that there was a quarter in there! She said she checked her pocket for the 50 cents she new she had,,,,it was still in her pocket. So the quarter was not from her and she said it was not there when she went into the bathroom. She also said she never heard a clink like you would if you dropped a quarter in the toilet. I had to laugh. Leave it to Jed to put Savannah's quarter in the toilet!!! HAHAHAHA funny! She even left it in the toilet so I would get it out......... sissy!
Oh Jeddie thank you for keeping up the funny stuff......I still am missing you horribly...we all are. Everything I do is so hard because your not here. I love you Jeddie spaghetti
Love J & K


Anonymous said...

i helped teach that boy well.i always said,i'll teach them all the neat stuff the rest can teach them things they should know. Lv u little big man,your always with me.

dansworld said...

Jed, I love you and I miss you. danny

Anonymous said...

don't worry about THON. We will all be there holding your guys hands. I think Savannah will do the best! Jed's spirit is going to lift us all up. Cannot wait to see you and give you a huge hug. We dance for Jed in 2!
<3 Stinky

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you guys this weekend! I have to work, but my heart will be at THON! Dance your heart out, Savannah!

<3 Shelly