Originally uploaded by kbuckley69
Made it work today..oh yipee. The little girl next door, Hayley, is in kindergarten. Today she told Danny the she was picked to put the crafts on her classroom wall tomorrow.....she was so proud! It made me think of Jed and the fish. In 1st grade they had fish on a board and if you were disciplined your fish was moved up. If your fish moved to0 many times you got in trouble. Jed was always SO proud because his fish NEVER moved. I would ask everyday because I knew he loved to say his fish did not move. Then one day he came home and was so serious. He said "Mom, my fish got moved up 1 spot today". He wasn't upset he was just taking it as a serious problem. I can't even remember the reason...I'm sure it was for talking.....I tried not to giggle..it was a big deal. I just told him, very seriously, that "everyone's fish gets moved at some point but a smart person will learn from that move and not have it happen again". Oh my he was so serious about that fish! I know...all that really had nothing to do with Hayley, it was her pride and happiness about her accomplishment that made me think of the fish.
Jed was very proud of his school work. He was particular and sometimes a bit OCD. It was serious work.
Then there was Jed the smart ass....excuse me..... but he really was. He definitely inherited the sarcasm gene we seem to have. Jed's favorite answer to a question he thought was stupid was "Um.....No" Those questions were usually asked by Dad or Danny. I loved when he was talking about something and he would stop and say "HEELLOO can you believe that" Yes Jed definitely was honing his first class Buckley sarcasm gene. You had to laugh though because he was so caring and compassionate you knew the sarcasm was not meant to be mean. I miss his little critiques of ...well.... almost everything. He usually had an opinion...and he almost always voiced it. It is very quiet here. There is no, "wait for it...WAIT FOR IT...OOHH yeah that's what I'm talking about" coming from the room next door. No giggles, no family guy quotes....just quiet.
Dan rode his bike today for a bit but he said it just was not any fun.....I said, it is because we have lost our sparkle. Jed was definitely our sparkle. Savannah is our bright and shining star..Jed was the sparkle.
For about a year..between 3 and 4 he carried this plastic candy cane everywhere. It was almost as tall as he was. He sometimes would hook stuff with it but mostly he just carried it around like a cane. I asked him once what it was for. He said "it's for cop'in' animals". I just said..oookkaay. A few days later I realized what he was talking about, he watched Animal Cops all the time....he was "cop'n animals" with that candy cane. Funny little kid.
Love J & K
i remember the smart alex jed =) first day you guys came in the drive thru at the pharmacy and i must of mispronouced his name and he goes "its jedediah" ill always remember that
i just love reading your stories of little jed........no doubt he made the world around him brighter with smiles. We all miss him everyday...reading your memories and dan's are such wonderful reminders of an amazing life. xoxo Meg
Kristin just dropping by to let you know I'm still thinking of you everyday.... Big Hugs to you and your family. ~Sara
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