Thursday, March 11, 2010

Niagra Falls 2007

Originally uploaded by kbuckley69

What a nut. He is always good for a chuckle.
His room smelled like him when I came home hasn't for awhile but today I could smell the baby powder, sweaty boy, Jed smell before I was even at the top of the stairs. It made me smile....and cry. My heart belongs to you Jeddie

I am taking Danny to a medium on Saturday afternoon. He has never been to one and I want to see how this one is. Her name is Michele Livingston, she is in Hummelstown. I was also given the name of another medium near Harrisburg, She comes VERY highly recommended maybe she is next. I hope Danny has a good experience ..I will let you know...or he will.
Love J & K


Anonymous said...

she's the one I LOOVE...i'm so glad you're finally getting to see her......i can't wait to hear what she says...........i'll be thinking of you saturday....all my love!! meg

Unknown said...

What a poignant description of absence - it's the scents that really grab my heart as well.
Kristin, please take care. Please be careful about seeing mediums. I know it's none of my business, and your grief is so deep, but these people prey upon emotions and it could be dangerous to your heart and soul in such a vulnerable state at this time.
Please don't be offended, sweet Kristin. I do care - very much. susan

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to see what Danny has to say about the medium :)