Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jed and The Mac 1 year ago

Originally uploaded by kbuckley69

The Mac is 2 today. We took her American girl stroller down to her. She liked it but was more interested in the cup cake we brought. Her party is Saturday.
No work tomorrow...some kind of paint issue. I am definitely not heartbroken about it.
Nana is doing well. She got up today and ate a jello!
I got the stitches taken out of my hand today..whoohoo.
I am missing my Jed. Really really missing my Jeddie. That's all I'm going to say because I am exhausted and if I start to write about how I am missing him it will just be too much to handle. Oh Jeddie, I really do not want to be without is just too hard.
Love J & K

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still reading...trish... if your wondering. iysis transplant today went well.