Friday, June 25, 2010

Jase put his breadstick in the box of money Jim and Grace gave Jed!

Jase put his breadstick in the box of money Jim and Grace gave Jed!
Originally uploaded by kbuckley69

Christmas 2008. What a pair these 2 are!
So... Jed would be....well, Jed IS very happy today. I am no longer employed as of 4pm this afternoon. It's a big jump, probably not the smartest but I have the support and love of many so I know all will be ok. I also have an appointment at HACC....the community college...on Tuesday to talk to someone about their legal studies program. Things will be a bit tight around here for awhile...I cannot get unemployment until October....but we will be fine. I am glad I don't have to be in there as out department is taken apart. No more Harley....weird. I remember the day I walked in there. It is sooooo different now. So much had happened during those years.
I miss Jed. I know he is with me and sharing this but having him here physically to hug me and laugh and probably have a celebratory dinner ( jed loves to go out to eat) would be perfect. I am really really missing my guy. I don;t know how I will handle being home without taking care of Jed...and Just hanging out with him. UGH. I try very hard to not dwell on that. I hope it doesn't get harder because I am home.
Savannah and I took a big bucket of water over to water our grass seed. We then discovered that there is a water thingy there. So now we just have to take the bucket...not the water! Grace came up this evening and drank Mike's lemonade on the porch. We walked back over to the cemetery. Danny came by...he was out riding. Then we traipsed all over the place. I swear, I cannot go ANYWHERE with Grace that she does not see someone she knows...the cemetery is no different!! She said, "oh , that was my neighbor, I knew that guy, she was the lady down the street....etc. Funny.
So now my unemployed life starts....
Jeddie, I SO wish I was with you. We would be hanging in your room right now planning and plotting the rest of the summer. I still have a very hard time believing what has happened. It just cannot be true. This is not what we planned, what we talked about and what we were sure was going to happen. The fact that I have to get up everyday and keep going without you here with me is unbearable. Everything is so hard, nothing is will never be right. I hate this. I have no words to describe how much it hurts. Jeddie, mommy loves you.....and misses you beyond words.
Love J & K

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