Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The guys at Jamestown last summer.
For every six research dollars per patient with AIDS and every one research dollar per patient with breast cancer, a child with cancer receives only 30 cents... That is crazy...and sad.

Davey Crocket
Jed channeling Davey Crockett. I asked him if he wanted me to buy him that hat....I got a HUGE eye roll.

Here we all are. Not the most flattering picture of me...cause you know it is all about me.....
look...all of us!
Danny will be home very early in the morning. It was my plan to go to bed early so at least when he woke me up at 2am I would have had some sleep....but I'm still up. My night class starts tomorrow so I will be at school from 9am to 9:30pm. Oh yay.

Ahhh the famous Jed "loser" sign....or as he said when he was small "wooser"
can we take him in?
I told him he'd have to stay in the car after we read the sign... :)

I am so so so tired today. It took awhile for me to figure out why. I think I know ..last night I stayed up going through the pictures on my computer deciding which ones I wanted to frame for the luncheon. Today I got out the boxes that hold all the pictures from the service. I went through all of those. Took all day. So I guess the reason I am so exhausted is because I cried the entire time, last night and today.....that can be a bit tiring. ~~sigh~~ It is just so completely devastating to look at what we had and realize that we will never have that again...ever. I do have to say, I am so glad I appreciated it all..I really knew that what we had was special....and fragile. But it does make the missing that much sharper.

Good night baby Jed. I relived so many Jed moments today. I am tired! I miss you. I wish I knew what I am supposed to be doing here without you. All I want to do is what I cannot ever do again. Mommy Loves You
Love J & K

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