Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jed's 1st tomato

Originally uploaded by kbuckley69

I think the veggies notice that Jed is not here to give them constant attention. They must feel my apathy, they are growing but with no real vigor.
It has been 3 years since Savannah assisted me in ripping down a big ugly cabinet in our kitchen. So all this time our dishes have been sitting on the counter. we finally put up the open shelves I had planned to put up 3 years ago. They look great and I'm glad they are up. Now the only part of the kitchen I have not cleaned or weeded is the top of the fridge. The top of the fridge is the "med" shelf. There are 2 baskets up there full of Jed's meds. It seems like the top of the fridge is staring at that small space is growing bigger.....looming over the rest of the kitchen. I guess at some point I will have to do something about it. Savannah had a good idea. She said not to go through the meds just move the baskets...away somewhere. But I am not sure how I will feel looking up and not seeing the med baskets. I miss my son.
He would be so happy with the shelves. Every time I changed something in the house he loved it. It's very hard to change even the slightest thing now though because I don't want anything to be different. But really....I guess everything is different....and always will be.
Missing you Jeddie. I could hear you saying "holy fish paste mom" when you saw how many plastic containers I pulled out from under the cabinet! I had so many I gave Mommo a garbage bag full...they were hers originally anyway! Oh Jed, I hate this. I don't want it to be this way. I want you back....I just want you back...
Mommy loves you....forever....always....more and more
Love J & K

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That little man is so proud of his tomato. Lv and miss you very, very much.