Saturday, July 3, 2010

Jed with his second family DJ Connor Dave and Morgan...July 4th 2008
Jed was so happy that we saw them...and that he got fries!

Today has been 6 months. I woke up at exactly 6:30 this morning, 6 months ago at that time I was kissing my son for the last time. Oh my.....just...oh my.
Danny and I went to Moon Dancer winery for a bit today...they are having a blues festival this weekend. I saw Alecia...she lives on the other side of the grapes. We drank some sweet peach wine...It was really good. We then went to the pub on the golf course and had dinner on the patio. the weather is beautiful...we were on the bike.
DJ called and invited me to watch the fireworks with them. It was super nice of him. I didn't go though. I have taken Jed every year to see them....I didn't want to see them without him.
Jeddie....I can't even write about how much I miss you tonight. I need to be with you. Mommy loves you sweet pea
Love J & K

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