Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jed and Walter, what a pair!

Originally uploaded by kbuckley69

Sweet baby Jed and stinky crotchety old Walter. How cute is that kid.
I have been studying since I came home from work. I have my test tomorrow night. i realized that the stuff I am trying to hard to remember I think I learned in 5th grade...and forgot...of course. Thomas Jefferson..yes I know he was there! Anyway, just want to get it over with. I know I got at least 1 extra credit point, we had to guess who we thought would win the primary races tonight..oooo, I have 3 right so far..yay me. I can use all the extra credit I can get!
I still do not have the "official word" on if the layoff next month will be voluntary. I can get an almost yes but not a firm yes! I really want to take it and go to school full time but it is very scary to think about. Giving up a job, with benefits..frightening. I asked Savannah tonight how she would feel about living without cable TV....or paying her own car insurance....she looked horrified! Not sure what was worse..no cable or paying her own insurance! I know we will have to make some changes. I also have to find out how to finance school and get health insurance for both of us. Tomorrow night I can start to do some real research. Had to study tonight.
Good night Jeddie love. Savannah is working hard on the luncheon. We are missing you. Not hearing your giggle or singing makes things so bleak. Knowing we will never hear that in our house again is extremely hard to deal with. Everyday I wake up and just want to hide in bed...but I think of you and I get up....most of the time! I know you want us to move forward and keep going. I can do that and I will take you with me. I know you are here, I feel you all around, it is just so hard to not have you to take care of. That big empty whole will never be filled. You are who I am and what I do....finding purpose without you seems impossible. I will keep trying...for you, until we can be together again. Mommy loves you
Love J & k
Oh, I wanted to say to Denise Gibson...I just read that you won The Four Diamonds Award!!!! I am SOOO happy for you! Now Jed's Denise and Janeice have that rockin' award! It was well earned and very much deserved. Love and hugs to you...when I think of you I think of the sound of your voice on the phone...it was always so calming and reassuring. Such a very important part of the past 8 years. big sigh...smiling through the tears. Congrats
OMG...just as I am ready to post this the commercial with Dr. Ungar came on....I know I have seen it 10 times in the last 2 days!

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